chapter iv.

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CALLAGHAN WOKE UP with no one beside her. She panics and runs around the room. Checking every space where her brother could fit through. She takes a deep breath, using her abilities to find him.

The thief winnows to his location. Much to her surprise, she sees the General Cassian with Vik. The warrior seemed to be telling a story since he was animatedly moving his hands around and making funny faces. Little Vik was laughing along at the ridiculous sounds he made.

She quickly pats her unruly hair down, attempting to look presentable. Cal clears her throat, gaining the attention of the two. "Cal!" Vik runs to his sister and jumps into her arms. She held him to her side and turned to Cassian, "Hope he wasn't much of a trouble, General."

"It's fine. This little bugger," he taps Vik's nose, making the boy giggle, "Was roaming around the halls. I figured I had to use my charms."

"What charms?" Callaghan jokes.

A boyish grin appears on Cassian's face, "Oh you're a fun one, aren't you? I think we're gonna get on real well."

"Cal!" Vik eagerly taps at his sister's shoulder, "Cassian was telling me a story! It was about a beast with sharp teeth and big paws!"

"I know," she nods, "I heard."

"You're a great storyteller, General," she tells him.

Cassian scrunched his nose, "Just call me Cas or Cassian. General makes me feel like I'm at the camps."

The thief offers him a small smile, "Alright then, Cassian. I guess I'll have to see you later, this little one stinks."

"No, I do not!" Vik protested, pouting at them.

"I'll see you around, Callaghan."


VIK WAS PLACING FLOWERS IN HER HAIR when Azriel approached them at the gardens. "I have a mission for you," he said.

Instantly, Cal was on her feet, "When do I need to go?"

"In a few minutes."

She was surprised. Cal looks at Vik who was playing with some rocks and flowers. "Sorry, sir, but who's going to watch over him?"

Then the spymaster's gaze trailed to a figure behind her. "Don't worry, I'll look after the boy," Morrigan said as she walked towards them.

The thief bent down beside her brother, "Vik, I have to go somewhere. Will you be alright with Mor?"

He nods, but faces her with a frown, "The last time you said you were going somewhere you were in that dark room."

Azriel and Mor looked at each other, feeling like they were interrupting a private conversation, but Callaghan didn't seem to mind.

"I'll be back before you know it, darling," she kissed his temple and brushed the hair away from his eyes, "When I get back, we'll cut your hair, alright?"


"Don't give Mor a hard time and stay away from the—"

"Shiny things, I know, Cal."

She ruffled his hair, "That's my boy."

Callaghan takes a deep breath before standing to face Azriel, showing him she's ready. The shadowsinger eyed her down, observing. Then he began to walk away, the thief in tow.

She will not make her High Lord regret his decision in keeping her alive.


[ notes! ]

ah,,, finally a short one

i'M torn between cas x cal or
rhys x cal as the ultimate brotp

what if i just drop all the chapters i have available

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