Depresso Expresso

Start from the beginning

I felt Joke's sympathy as she looked at me, I yawned with a stretch as I heard the announcer wake up for the bald kids power. I looked down on them and I felt Aizawa glaring at me, "What's with the shirt?" He asked, I didn't expect this "What?" I don't understand "Well you normally wear light colors and short sleeves." He explained "Oh.... I didn't feel like being happy today. I couldn't save her so I don't deserve to wear bright colors until I get her back." I explained he looked confused "It's not your fault Kid." Joke lied through her teeth, "It is  though." I retorted "I wasn't able to save Eri or Niko." I explained, they kept silent.

I focused back on the kids in the Arena, Almost all of 1-A had finished except for Bakugo and Yui. Yui could've finished by now but she's helping Bakugo. The feeling in my leg hadn't stopped so I don't want to stand up, and I don't know if I can anyway. "Do they have any drinks in this place?" I asked Aizawa "They have a vending machine downstairs." He told me, "Can I borrow some money for it?" I asked and he begrudgingly gave me some, "Thanks Teach!" I said as I tried to stand up, I was barely able to walk but I managed.

I made it to the vending machine and I got another Sprits, I limped back and I sat down. "What's up with your leg?" Joke asked "It just hurts." I told her, She just nodded. I tried to shake it off but she wouldn't let go, "Did you hit it on anything?" She asked "No I think it's because I haven't walked in so long." I told her looking down, She finally let it go. I hate that he's still hurting her, He just won't stop. He's probably punishing her for escaping, She's just a little girl. This trauma could turn her into a villain like me. It's perfect.

I turned my attention to the teens who were still fighting and Bakugo with Yui had finally made it through. I had jumped down there and I was limping around. I thought it'd be fun to surprise my students is all, Everything was perfectly fine until I heard an explosion. I turned to Aizawa who was yelling at me with Ms Joke looking worried. Rubble fell on me and I couldn't stop it because of my quirk amplifier. I pulled out a knife and started cutting it off, the rubble was on my back and I couldn't move. I finally cut it off and I use my floating quirk on the entire building. I ran out from under it and tripped on the way. I disabled the quirk and everything fell back down, I used the quirk on me and floated back up to Aizawa.

He glared at me, I looked down. "Sorry." I told him as I walked back to my seat. I had to cut deep into my wrist to get it off and I was hoping he wouldn't notice. He saw it and looked surprised "Why are you bleeding?" He asked "The quirk amplifier made it so I couldn't escape. I had to cut it off." I explained, Yui had found the blood and she fucking drank some. Who the fuck does that? She turned into me and looked up to me, Obviously surprised. She moved on and saved a bunch of people.  Todoroki started fight with Mr. clean when Orca guy came out. Yui had her knifes on her hips so hey yelled at her for looking so scary. She then yelled back and threatened  them.

So Yui didn't make it, Nor did Todo and Mr Clean. Quite unfortunate. Everybody else made it through, "I'm bored." I told Aizawa, My entire arm now covered in blood. It was dripping everywhere. We started leaving and I greeted the students, "Are you bleeding?" Mina asked worried, "I'm fine!" I told her "Can we go Aizawa?" I asked him. Soon we were all back on the bus. I ignored everybody, This was finally over.

Eri is still gone though so I'm not going to eat anything, "Yaomomo can you help me get the food out of my room?" I asked her she nodded "Thanks." I said before looking back to the window, My leggings were torn and my sweatshirt was bloody. The pain in my leg is finally gone and I feel relieved. I though he was done before the pain spread all over in the bus, This was the only pain I could feel. I leaned against the side of the bus and covered my head as a response to that. It felt natural at this point. Momo looked at me worried "Are you alright Ochako?" She asked, The pain hadn't stopped "Y-Yeah I'm fine." I said still curled up, The pain stopped a second later. I felt so much better.

I fell asleep on the bus so I could dream about Midoriya. I saw him "Izu!" I called out but when I ran to hug him he disappeared, "Izu?" I said before I was alone in the darkness. I lied on the floor and started to cry. Midoriya didn't want to be near me either. I felt something touch my shoulder, I turned and I saw Niko. Before I had time to react I was woken up. "It's time to get off the bus." Momo told me, I stood up to see me wrist was still bleeding. I walked into the Dorms and went up to my room. Before that I told Aizawa I wasn't going to teach this week. He nodded and I'm guessing he told Nezu.

I walked back into my room and I collapsed onto the floor. My wrist was still bleeding but it's fine. I fell asleep again and I saw Niko. "Niko..." I remarked turning around "Hi Ochako!" Niko said happily, I got up to hug her bug before I could her body split in half guts everywhere. I smiled at that her body falling to the floor again as I was left to the darkness with Niko's remains. I sat on the floor and I kept on laughing. It was so funny! It happened again haunting my dreams. UA is causing me pain and I should just kill everybody.                 

          I felt myself start to fall, I looked around and I realized this was the day I met all might. Also the day I decided to be a villain. I looked up and I saw all might, I heard a voice This is how it should've been.  It said "You're right!" I yelled allowing whoever was causing this to stop me while I was falling. I was in the ally way with stain, He should've killed you.  They told me as stain was about to cut me, I flipped out of his way. "Yeah but stain's not that type of guy." I told them, I was in front of UA, YOU SHOULD'NT OF GONE HERE.  The voice told me I nodded "You're right. I should've died before but it seems the world won't let me die." I admitted smiling, I started laughing "Funny isn't it?" I asked tears forming in my eyes, "I shouldn't have lived long enough to have even met stain but people I hate have saved me! I've almost died multiple times but I keep living! I hate it here!" I yelled out still laughing.

Soon my first victim Haru appeared in front of me, "What is wrong with you?!" She asked I smiled at her "You know, I have no Idea who I am or what I'm gonna do with myself. " I told he she wiped tears from her eyes, "You're a monster." She told me I chuckled a bit "Thanks!" I said before I was falling down again. I let myself fall and I smiled a bit before I hit the ground. Since it was a dream I wasn't afraid, I felt nothing and I just lied there blood escaping my body. Someone entered the alleyway and screamed, Soon I was being carried into a stretcher. 

There was a body identification and everything. I soon woke up to my alarm clock though. It was a very nice dream, I tried to leave me room but the door was locked. That's new! I guess they're putting up more precautions so I don't escape. It's lame!, I thought that and I put my hands behind my neck, I felt something and I pulled off a Tracker!! Wtf! I grabbed the tracker and I used my quirk on it and I threw it out the window. Like when the fuck did I give them permission to put a tracker on me!

I was mad to I picked the lock on my door so I could leave. I left the room and I went downstairs. I was disgusted by the school, they put a fucking tracker on my without my consent! It's fucking rude. I left the Dormitory building and I starting walking away. Away from my least favorite place. Or at least the safest.

HAAAAAA, Depresso Expresso lol. I love writing this! It's so much fun to sit down and write a story! Word count 2,392 <3!

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