Chapter 28

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Purpled pushed against Tommys sword, they've been at it for hours. Tommy lost balance and fell to the dirt ground of the training area.

It brought him back memories, some very bad ones, but then again, life can't always be bad when you have a friend.

"I used that move when we were little. Its sad to see how much you've forgotten since then. Thought they programmed you or some shit." He said mockingly, it wasn't because of the circumstance that they were in. It was because that's how Purpled is, he's always joking, thats what Tommy loved about Purpled.

No matter what kind of training they put him through, he seemed to always be intact afterwards. Tommy on the otherhand, not so much.


"Father i don't see the need for more testing." Tommy said, gritting his teeth. He was only 6 and he was already at the same level of a standard level assassin.

"Shut up, boy." His father said with venom, "Your grandfather wants these tests done. You'll do as you are told. You are only a weapon, designed for perfection. Atleast, thats what your grandfather believes. You are really just a brat. Got it?" He spat, Tommy looked to his feet, eyes glued to the ground.

He knew better then to cry, especially not when his father was next to him.

"In here." His father stopped abruptly at a door, opening it. Tommy knew this room, the training grounds, much less of a room. More like an outside area surrounded by cement walls.

Tommy walked in, his father didn't follow. He only closed and locked the door behind him.

Tommy sighed, he knew what that meant. Training was going to be hell. Especially when they lock the door. No escaping, he can never escape.

"Hello Tommy." The speaker spoke, "Today you'll be training with someone new. He's very skilled like you and will be a great asset to you. His name is Purpled. Don't hurt him too badly." From the sound of the voice, it was Dr. Z.

Tommy grunted, 'I don't want to be with him.' He thought to himself.

When they were finished, it was dark. Both Tommy and Purpled were wiped out from eachothers amazing stamina.

Gaurds collected them, not that they were introuble, but because they couldn't move their legs.

Tommy was brought back to his room and Purpled was given a bed, well mat on the floor, to stay on.

Theyll be working together.

They grew fast and knowledgeable, Tommy warmed up to Purpled and they went on missions together. Tommy finally had what he wanted. A friend.

Soon Tommy was saved, ripped away from Purpled though. He was safe, but at what cost? He left Purpled behind.

"I'll be back for you!" He shouted to him, Purpled only stared at the ground. He was hiding his tears, the only person that treated him like a human, was gone.

Flashback ended

"Dont you remember? I always kicked your ass?" Tommy rebuttaled, he used his foot to sweep Purpled's legs out from underneath him. Sending Purpled to the ground with a thump.

Tommy got up quickly and readied himself again. Purpled got up as quickly as he fell, and they began to fight once again.

The clock was ticking, Ranboo was running out of time to live. For Tommy's sake he was knocked out. If he was awake, watching his every move. He would probably mess up.

"Two hours remaining." The speaker emitted into the silent air. Tommy wanted to cry. He was fighting for Ranboo's life and failing miserably.

Then alarms started to blare, he hasn't heard the alarms go off since he was little.

Purpled and Tommy stopped fighting eachother. "It fucking worked.." Purpled said quietly, Tommy heard though. He knew, he knew someone was going to help them. He just hoped that someone was Clay.

Guards came into the room, taking Tommy and Ranboo away. "Purpled. You will protect them." The old man spoke. Purpled nodded and followed them.

'This was perfect,' he thought, "We'll all be saved.'

If only he knew, he wasnt in control of his story.
Word count: 735

Hello. This will be the last chapter for awhile. My health has declined tremendously and I'm not doing to good. Don't worry though, I'm sure I'll be fine.

Be safe, be kind, and show love to others.

Thank you for being here.

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