Chapter 16

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My uncle isn't being the kindest so I'm hiding in my room and writing this, ENJOY OR ELSE!

Ranboo woke up first, twisting and turning trying to go back to sleep, but he failed. He slowly got out of bed so he didnt wake up his sleeping friend.

He was confused by the clothes he was in and realized they weren't his own.

'Oh yea Tommy let me barrow his clothes...TOMMY-' Ranboo checked what time it was, 10:30 am.

Usually he would be up before now, he wakes up early even when there is no school.

He was frantic at first but then he started to calm down. He didnt want to wake the sleeping Tubbo. He needed his rest.

He left Tubbos room, leaving a note on the desk.

He walked down the hall past other doors, the rooms were most likely empty.

He went to his own room and opened the door, it was simple and much like Tubbos. His things were taller to match his height.

He went to his dresser and pulled out a hoodie and jeans.

Once he changed he put on his converse and was ready to leave the room, but before he did, he had to do something.

"Time to water my children." He said aloud, to himself, in his room, he's weird, don't judge.

He grabbed a half empty water bottle and unscrewed the top.

He went over to his desk and watered his mini plants. He loved gardening but he never got to plant anything bigger than the small plants on his desk.

Once finished he left the room in a hurry.

He made his way down the many halls that they had, some rooms were important, others not so much.

Then he made it, Scotts infirmary room.

He knocked on the door lightly, just incase Tommy was still sleeping.

Thats when the regret and guilt started to kick in.

'What if he doesn't want to see me? What if his family never lets me talk to him again? What if-'

His thoughts stopped when the door opened, it was Niki, she was like Ranboos sister. It was barely even a crack but he could still tell it was her.

She cared for him when he first arrived.

"Hello Ranboo, Tommy is awake, but you need to be quiet, he has a headache." Niki quietly suggested as she put a finger to her mouth.

Ranboo nodded, she opened the door a bit wider and he came in.

George wasnt in the room, and Tommy was reading a book.

"No wonder your head hurts, you don't have your glasses." Ranboo spoke laughing to himself quietly.

Tommy looked up, "Fututus et mori  in igni." He spoke bitterly, but Ranboo could distinctly hear the playfulness in his voice.

Niki started laughing, Ranboo stood confused.

"What did you just say to me?" Ranboo asked bewildered.

"Learn Latin." He said plainly, gesturing to the book he was reading.

"Wait, you know Latin? Thats really cool." He spoke with enthusiasm.

Tommy nodded his head, "And for your information, Dad went to go get my glasses." Tommy said going back to his book.

"Mhm, what book are you reading?" Ranboo asked stepping closer to him.

"Latin basics, its good to refresh yourself on the basics of things. That way you never forget where you've started. Its a good way to see how you've grown." Tommy said, he handed to the book to Ranboo.

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