Chapter 20

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Don't be mad.

Ranboo was sleeping in his bed, he finally had a normal-ish day, it was filled with homework and working at the Cafe.

After Tommy left, Ranboo was sad, he missed Tommy which was weird to him, but Niki said it was normal.

It didn't feel normal to him though.

His thoughts woke him up, he looked at the time on his phone, squinting at the sudden bright light.

Ranboo groaned, 6:00 am, he usually gets up early so it wasn't a big deal to him, but that doesn't mean he wants to be awake.

He looked at the date, August 29th, 'Oh Shit.' He thought.

The deadline was up.

Ranboo jumped out of bed, not caring about changing into presentable clothes or brushing his hair.

He usually stayed at the bunker, it was easier for him, but he wanted to stay at his home, just so he was undisturbed.

He picked an awful night to do that, he was going to walk, well speed walk, to the cafe.

If he gets caught by the Elite Force....he doesn't want to think about what would happen.

He looked outside, it seemed like a normal morning, the sun hasn't risen and the moon is still glowing.

Ranboo should be good to get to the cafe undetected.

That was, when he heard something on the roof.

'Fuck this shit.' he thought, he grabbed his shoes and put them on, and made his way to the side door.

He twisted the doorknob slowly, and opened the door quietly, he stepped out the door and closed it, when he heard a click, he knew the door was shut.

That wasn't the only click that was heard.

Somewhere, a dart was shot at him, he dodged it and it stuck to the wall.

Adrenaline and fear coursed through his vains, his fight or flight kicked in, and he chose both.

He started running down the street, hoping that he could lose whoever was chasing him.

He looked for his phone that he thought he put in his pocket, but to his avail, it wasn't there.

'Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.' He thought as he ran away.

The pursuer chased after him from rooftops, shooting the gun when he had the chance, the gun had a silencer, so no one would hear the gunshots.

Ranboo thought of screaming to get help, but he didn't want to put anyone else in danger.

He couldnt run to the cafe, he didnt want the location to be leaked, same goes for Tommys house.

He didnt know what to do, so he decided to run to the local police station, hopefully they could help him.

Well, that was short lived hope.

Ranboo was shot in the arm, and his running instantly slowed.

"God freaking damnit." He said as he fell to the ground.

The shooter jumped down from the roof, they were a little out of breath from the chase but nothing they werent used to.

They pulled out their burner phone and dialed a number, when the other person picked up they spoke.

"1." Was all they simply said before they hung up the phone and smashed it on the ground, making sure nothing could be retrieved from the phone.

They grabbed Ranboo and hoisted them over their shoulder, a black van drove by next to them and stopped.

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