Chapter 6

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//Tw Panic Attack//

(Also I usually forget to put warnings so, be weary for future chapters.)

The ride home was silent, Tommy was uncomfertable and in the wrong headspace to make small talk, he wanted George.

Clay on the other hand was stressing out about their new problem. He knew Tommy only knew this way of life, he didnt want it taken away from him.

Though he knew they would be safe if they turned in their ID's, he was still worried for Tommy's safety, he knew Tommy wouldnt stop this way of life unless he was dead.

When they pulled into the driveway of the house Tommy immediately got out of the car, it wasnt even parked.

He ran inside, completely ignoring the calls of his name from Clay.

"Hey Kiddo, you guys are back soon?" Nick said, he was sitting on the couch doing paperwork, most likely bills.

Tommy ignored him and went to his room and slammed the door shut.

"What'd you do to him?" Nick asked standing up to meet Clay at the door.

"Have you not seen the news?" Clay asked hanging up his keys on the hook by the door.

Nick shook his head, "I was filling out more job applications." he explained calmly.

Clay sighed, "Check any social media platform you'll get your answer." he said.

''To Twitter I go." Nick said pulling out his phone.

While they were talking Tommy was scared and confused, he wasnt the best at exspressing his feelings so whenever he's sad, happy, angry, he doesnt know how to express it.

Most of the time George was there to help, to comfort him, but he wasnt there this time. He was at his internship.

Now, Tommy knew he couldnt rely on George and that George couldnt be there all the time, but that doesn't mean he wasnt scared.

Tommy's breathing became short as he became more stressed, thoughts overwhelmed his mind of the 'what if's'.

His room was spinning and his breathing became faster, Tommy knew he was having a panic attack but when he tried to calm down he only felt more alone.

He sat down on the floor his breathing getting worse, soon he was just taking short gasps.

Images of his past would pop up, it was blurred but he knew what it was about. He had nightmares of these scenes every night when he tried to sleep.

He grabbed his sweater as his chest started to tighten, a burning sensation went through his whole upper body.

His eyes blurred as hot tears stained his eyes threatening to escape.

He soon realised he wasnt alone as warm hands rested on his shoulder.

--(With dre and snapmap)--

"Woah dude, really? What are we gonna do? I mean me and George have low profiles and barely did anything so we'll be fine, but you guys are known around the world, are you guys gonna turn them in?" Nick asked, his thoughts were going a mile a minute when reality sunk in, no wonder Tommy ran off to his room.

"I'd like to, too keep Tommy safe, but i'll have to talk to him, see what he wants to do." Clay said looking at Nick, he looked like he was going to say something but was interuppted by the door opening.

''George? You're not supposed to be home for another few hours?" Clay qeustioned, George looked sad and distrought.

"Those Elite Force fuckers fired us, my internship is gone, they fired all of us. They said that 'This hospital is now under the direct control of the Elite Force' and anyone who wasnt a surgeon or of high rankings was fired." George explained, they were shocked to say the least, it was like the whole world changed in such little time.

"Oh shit, who are they gonna replace in those spots? It's a damn hospital after all." Nick chimmed in.

"I dont know, they wouldnt tell us, I didnt even get to grab my bag, something about how its "their property now"." George said, he was fuming in anger.

Clay was gonna say something until they heard something get knocked over in Tommy's room.

"What was that?" George asked, Nick shrugged his shoulders, "Tommy might have knocked something over, he seemed mad earlier." Clay answered.

"I'll go talk to him then, leave us be for a bit." George said as he walked to Tommy's room.

"George is such a mom." Nick said as he went to the kitchen.

"Yea, also theres still no food so, you need to order pizza." Clay said walking to where Nick went.

George knocked on Tommy's door but didnt hear an answer, usually George would acknowledge this and leave him alone, but he felt like something was wrong. So he opened the door.

George gasped when he saw Tommy on the floor craddling his knees to his chest, tears were flowing out of his eyes, his face was red and he was gasping for air.

George ran to Tommy and sat infront of him, Tommy seemed like he didnt notice George was there.

George put his hands on Tommy's shoulders, Tommy flinched violently and looked at George he calmed down a bit, realizing he was no longer alone and someone was there with him.

"Match my breathing Tommy." George said as he exaggerated his breath so Tommy could follow along.

Tommy tried his best, he hiccuped in between his breaths and some of them ended short but he still tried.

It took Tommy a little bit before he got his breath back under control but he was still lightly crying and shaking.

"What got you so worked up bud?" George asked softly still holding Tommy's shoulders.

"I just.. It was like I felt every negative emotion at once, I sort of panicked." Tommy said, George hummed in response.

"What triggered those emotions?" George asked kindly.

"The news, this new group, they could tear us apart. I was just worried and then my thoughts went a mile a minute, then I got frustrated and panicked. Then I started getting those images again freaking me out more. I think im just tired though." Tommy said closing his eyes and letting his head rest on his knees again.

"Hey, you dont need to worry about that, how about we go get something to eat. Then you can get some rest, maybe shower too?" George said, Tommy nodded his head.

George helped him up and they walked out of his room, George noticed a book fell off of Tommy's nightstand, 'That's what made the noise then' George thought before he continued out of the room with Tommy.

"So, what'd you guys get from the store?" George asked.

"We didnt really make it to the store. We saw the news and came straight home." Clay said rubbing the back of his kneck.

"We got pizza for dinner though! We havent had it in awhile." Nick said happily.

George rolled his eyes, "Guess Tommy and I will go tomorrow." he said elbowing Tommy in the side, Tommy groaned but nodded.

A knock was heard at the door, "Must be the pizza guy, i'll get it." Tommy said walking to the door.

Tommy opened the door and was met with a tall man in a suit who definentally did not have pizza with him.

Word Count: 1300

Sorry this took so long to get out, ive been a little busy, also, i based Tommy's panics attacks off of mine, remember not all panic attacks are the same!

Thank you for reading and waiting! <3

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