Chapter 1

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"Tommy, how did the mission go?" Clay asked, he was cooking dinner with George.

George and Nick, or in other words, Sapnap and Specs. They're also assassins but less known, they just started being on the field.

George usually hacks while Nick was just the information guy, but know they've trained and are prepared to handle lower class missions.

"Oh yea, you went after that crime boss right?" George asked turning towards him.

Tommy was standing in the doorway, blood all over him, head to toe. His face already had bruising formed on it.

"Oh my god!" George said putting the pot he had in his hands on the stove.

He rushed over to Tommy, and examined him.

"Dont worry, it's not mine." Tommy said simply, he wiped some of it off his face.

Clay sighed and George visibly calmed down.

"You're still bruised, I'll bandage you up, but please go shower, you reek." George said nudging him to the entrance of the kitchen.

"Ok." Tommy said walking, he had a limp to him. 'He must've twisted his ankle.' George mentally noted.

"Thank god he's ok, I should've went with him." Clay said, he was washing some potatoes for the soup they were making.

"You couldnt have known, besides it was a rookie crime boss. Who knew he would be powerful, or maybe he just had good goons, you never know." George reassured.

Clay nodded and put his attention back to the potatoes.


"Nick, Tommy, dinners ready." Clay shouted from the end of the hallway.

Tommy walked out of his room calmly while Nick burst out of his room and down the hallway.

"Tired?" Clay asked.

"I feel like shit, and my ankles messed up. Gogy patched me up though so I'll be fine." Tommy explained walking down the hallway.

Clay laughed, "Right." He said turning when Tommy was next to him, he put his arm around his shoulder to relieve pressure from his ankle.

"Heh, thanks, I dont need your help though." Tommy said, he continued walking but now with Clay's support.

"Mhm" was all he responded with, they made it to the kitchen slowly but surely.

"Woah dude, why so many bandages?" Nick asked. Him and George were at the table they sat across from each other.

"I got ambushed by that guys goons, he was tipped off that I was coming, that fucker almost got the upper hand, but I being a big man got him anyways." Tommy said proudly as he sat down.

"He kicked your ass?" Nick asked getting some soup for Tommy.

"Yea." He answered holding his bowl up.

"Thank you for the food." Both Tommy and Nick said together after they both had gotten their servings.

George smiled and nodded while Clay just scooped George some soup.

They talked about anything and everything, from upcoming assignments to just everyday things.

Outside of their assassination life style, Tommy went to school and was a normal kid, though he was much smarter then the kids around him, he had to enroll so that he seemed like an average kid. George went to medical school, so he wasnt home a lot, but he did what he could. Nick worked at a pizza place down the road as part time and Clay was in college for coding.

After they finnished dinner, Nick cleaned the table and Clay washed the dishes, George had to go to sleep because he had to go to the hospital for an internship at 3 am and Tommy had to do homework.

"Hey, do you think one day, we'll get cought?" Nick asked while drying off dishes that Clay had just washed.

"What makes you ask that?" Clay asks finishing the last plate and turning off the sink. He turned his full attention towards Nick.

"Well, the police are starting to crack down on everything, bounty hunters, spies, assassins. I just dont want our family to fall apart." Nick said putting up the pot he was drying off.

"Hey, dont worry, I'll make sure that doesnt happen. Look me and Tommy have been careful our identities are a secret, we only do business with trusted people of the community, and we have normal lives. We wont be suspected, we'll be ok. And if it gets to much we can move." Clay said reassuringly placing a hand on Nick's shoulder.

"Sorry I just worry. Tommy's only 15 and is a trained assassin, I dont want his life to be any less normal then it is." Nick said, Clay smiled reassuringly.

"Oh shit my shift starts in 30 mins, I gotta go get ready." Nick said leaving the kitchen.

"See ya dude." Clay said leaving the kitchen also, but he was heading for his room.

He walked past Tommy's room but he heard something, it sounded like crying.

Clay knocked on the door and the noise seemed to stop.

A faint and muffled 'come in' was heard.

Clay opened the door and saw Tommy sitting infront of his bed looking at a picture.

Clay sighed, "Do you want me to get George?" He asked, Clay was good at talking to people when they were sad, but George and Tommy were close, close like a parent and child.

"No, he needs sleep, I'll be ok." Tommy answered turning his head back to the picture he was looking at.

"You miss them, dont you?" Clay asked, he walked into the room and sat beside Tommy.

"Mostly my mom, my dad, that piece of shit, not at all." Tommy said looking at the photo fondly.

The place where his dad's face should be, wasnt, Tommy scratched out his face.

"Yea I know, listen Toms, do you remember when I found you?" Clay asked looking over to Tommy.

"How could I forget, you saved me and raised me when my dad couldn't." Tommy scoffed, Clay chuckled a little.

"You were 8 and crying in an ally way, next to your shitty apartment. Your dad had just gotten home, drunk like always. Your mom and dad were fighting and he lost control. I was 15 at the time, and walking home to George and Nick." Clay explained.

"Why are you bringing this up?" Tommy asked looking up to Clay with glossy eyes.

"I'm reminding you of this because it's what made us come together. We wouldnt be a family if our families weren't shit." Clay said, Tommy smiled and laid his head on Clay's shoulder.

"Thanks Clay." He said, "Anytime Toms." Clay answered, they sat there in comfortable silence, well until Clay heard soft snores coming from Tommy.

Clay smiled and gently shifted so that he could stand up and not disturb the sleeping boy.

Once he stood, he picked Tommy up and placed him in bed, he then picked up the picture and placed it on the side table.

Once he knew Tommy was ok he left the room, closing the door gently behind him.

"You handled that well." George said, he was leaning on the wall beside the door. He was in his pajamas and had bed hair.

"Did I wake you?" Clay asked, George only laughed and got off the wall.

"No, I noticed you weren't in bed, come on you need sleep before you go to college tomorrow." George said grabbing Clay's shoulder and leading him to their room.

"Dont remind me." Clay said walking sluggishly to their room.

George laughed at Clay's shenanigans and walked behind him, slightly pushing him to their room.
Word count: 1257

Hello! If you're from my other book hi<3 and if you're just now finding me, welcome!

Thank you for reading!

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