Chapter 12

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My other story ended so this is now my main focus.

"Tom, you ready to leave? Its almost 5:30." George said, while knocking on the door.

"Yes." He answered, Tubbo and Ranboo looked at him. This was no easy mission.

"If you want, I can set up home base at our base at the cafe, I could hack into security cameras of the building. I would just need a computer." Tubbo explained, "Yea we could speak to you every step of the way." Ranboo confirmed.

Tommy thought for a moment, then agreed.

"Time to tell dad that I gave out the secret." Tommy said, "Hey, I figured it out by going through your things, he won't be mad at you, he seems very kind." Tubbo said with a smile.

"You have no idea." Tommy agreed, George was really kind, too kind.

"Hey, uh can you give them a ride to where their dad will pick them up?" Tommy asked George, "Sure but Nick's taking you, I can't find my glasses." George explained, Tommy nodded and grabbed a bag packing all of his equipment.

"And also, they found out, well Tubbo did, only about me though. Tubbo is also an assassin so he'll keep it a secret. Please just don't tell Dad." Tommy pleaded beggingly.

George was confused for a moment then realized he ment Clay, his face softened, "Of course I won't tell, thats your business, but hurry up, you don't want to be late." George said.

"Thank you." Tommy sighed with relief, "lets go boys." Tommy said to his friends, Nick was waiting outside and jumped up when he heard the door opening ready to go.

"Why are they?" Nick started, "No time, C'mon we gotta go." Tommy ushered to him.

Tommy sat in the passenger side while Ranboo and Tubbo sat in the back, Nick started the car and drove out of the drive way, following the directions they told him.

"Why the mall?" Nick asked as they pulled in, "No reason, ill be out in a minute." Tommy said as they jumped out of the car.

"I'll wait at a table in the cafe, you guys set up home base and get me that earpiece then ill head out, ok?" Tommy asked, Ranboo and Tubbo nodded.

People looked at them funny because of how they were dressed but then payed no more attention when they were out of view.

Tommy hated the stares.

Tubbo and Ranboo didnt seem to mind like he did.

When they made it to the cafe, it was about to close.

"Hello Tubbo, Ranboo!" Scott said, the boys waved and smiled.

"Oh hello there, I didn't notice you! Need anything to drink." Scott asked, "No thanks Scott, he's with us." Tubbo said, him and Ranboo made it to the storage door, since the cafe was empty, it was an easy task to get in.

"You can have a seat at the table over there if you'd like." Scott suggested pointing towards the table in the corner.

"Thank you sir." Tommy said as he walked over to the table, Scott went back to wiping the counter.

The only sound was him cleaning and the background music.

Scott went over to the door and changed the open sign to close.

Tubbo came out of the storage room, he had some sort of gadget with him.

"This is an earpiece, we'll be able to communicate with each other no matter the distance."

Tommy nodded and put the earpiece in, he then heard Ranboos voice.

"Testing, testing, can you hear me Theseus?"

"Loud and clear." Tommy looked at his phone to see the time, 5:50, "I really must be going, thank you for the help friend." Tommy said as he left.

"So, another assassin friend?" Scott asked as he locked the doors.

"Can't really tell ya Scott, but I really need a favor, don't tell the bois, I don't want them snooping in my business." Tubbo said as him and Scott walked to the back.

"Oh don't worry, I don't tell them anything anyways. Will I need to patch him up later though?" Scott asked, Tubbo looked anxious and nodded his head.

"Hes breaking into a warehouse, specifically a drug cartel, his employer wants him to find the ring leader and kill him. He's gonna have a lot of people up his ass. He needs all the help he can get." Tubbo explained, Scott hummed, "Im willing to help at anytime, just ring me up or go to my quarters if I'm not answering." Scott said.

"Will do boss man. Will do."


Tommy made it out of the mall before it closed and jumped in the back seat.

"I'll go double time, but the warehouse is in the Badlands, so be careful."  Nick said as he started the car and raced out the parking lot.

Tommy grunted showing he understood, changing in the car was not the best choice but it will have to do.

"You're 5 minutes away, stay alert, goons like to roam the streets at night."

Tommy hummed acknowledging that he heard Ranboo. He was struggling to put on his gear but nothing that he hasn't done before.

"Get dropped off here."

"Drop me off here." Tommy said quickly, Nick stopped and Tommy got out.

"Outside of the Badlands?" Nick asked.

"I'll go by rooftop, don't expect me for dinner. I'll be in late." Tommy said as he shut the door.

Nick nodded and left, "Ladder,  on the building to your left." Ranboo instructed.

This was weird to Theseus, having someone helping him who wasn't Clay, or George.

It was nice, relaxing even.

Theseus started climbing up the ladder,
it wasn't a tall ladder so he climbed up it with ease.

When he made it up, the roof had clothing that was left out to dry and beer bottles.

'Homey' Theseus thought to himself, his house used to look the same, minus the clean clothes.

He jumped from rooftop to rooftop, if he couldn't make it to a rooftop he climbed whatever was available.

"The warehouse is on the right. You can enter from the roof through the air vent shaft." Ranboo spoke, Theseus made the note to himself and scouted out the area before going onto the roof.

"Seems clear. I'm going in." Theseus spoke, then he jumped to the roof landing with a roll.

"Shaft entrance on the left. Once you leave the vent system you have 30 minutes to get in and out without camera feed." Ranboo said.

Theseus did as he was instructed, going over to the shaft and fitting his way in which surprisingly wasnt hard.

Ranboo navigated him through the ventilation system.

It was hard at first trying to not make much noise, but then he got used to it and was as light as a feather.

"At the next vent, go down, thats the room you want. No bodies are detected there." Ranboo said.

But boy was he wrong.
Word count: 1212

I got a concussion today at soccer so don't expect a chapter for a bit, just enough time to let my head heal.

Please excuse mistakes :)

It hurts when I look at bright lights so I'm gonna try to avoid that.

See ya later nerds <3

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