The idea of having private showers may seem crazy to them, but to me it's crazy that the alternative is being forced to shower along a wall with dozens of other girls.

I let out a happy sigh and put down my bag. I figured I'd bring my workout gear just in case I wanted to get some dancing in.

I have a clear schedule today other than this and Jake coming over in about an hour, so I have a little time to explore and dance.

We built it so that we'd have 3 main dance areas so multiple classes could go on at the same time, and honestly I don't have plans for this place to blow up, I'm only expecting a couple dozen girls but I'm prepared because you never know.

"Hey guys." I greet as I walk into the first room and see a few of the workers still here, peeling plastic covering off the mirrors.

"Hey Kase. We're almost all finished up here." One of them says to me.

"Oooh. Can I take a boomerang for my story?" I squeal excited.

They laugh but let me do my thing. I can just tell from looking at this room that it's going to be perfect and many of my streaks will be taken here.

"So what all needs to be finished?" I ask them as they bundle up the garbage and start to head to the next room.

"We just finished the main paint color, as you can see, so we're taking all the plastic off the other mirrors. The electrician came today, everything is all working, including the sound system." The one named Jason gestures to the large speakers in the corner of the room. "Plumber came yesterday, showers, bathrooms all that is done. Zack and Dakota have done a lot to each space already, but once they're finished then that's it.

"Wow." I breathe out. "Are you guys off for the day?"

"Yeah, just one more room and we're done. Antonio said you guys dont need help with any of the furniture set up and stuff right?"

"Yeah we can do it later. Thanks though." I look up at the corner at the speakers. "Can I play music?"

He smiles at me, amused by the question. "Kasey..this place is yours. You can do whatever you want."

I grin. Right. Mine. Wow. "Sorry, that was kinda a stupid question." I chuckle.

Jason waves as he leaves and I connect my Bluetooth speaker to my phone.

Dance workout playlist, play. The music comes on immediately. Smooth, jazzy, familiar. I lean against the barre and start stretching, all the moves of the dance flipping through my mind.

This playlist, starting with this song, has been my go to for years and years and it makes me want to tear up a little at how far I've come. I never expected these things of myself.

I also haven't worked out these areas in a while. I think to myself as I stretch the back of my legs, bending to touch the ground and feeling tightness.

I push that feeling away and sit to do my other stretches.

"Curl your toes as far as they go, straighten them back, now don't you slack." I chuckle as I repeat the little rhyme that was drilled into my head as a child.

"One leg bent, stretch it out." I whisper to myself. "Other leg, stretch it out." I hold onto the toes of my foot, feeling the pull. 

"Head to knee." I switch again. 

"Clamshell, arms crawl forward." I can already feel myself working up a sweat. 

"And roll it out into a split." I swing my legs out to do a split, but they won't go. I push down the rising panic.

My Kind Of Perfection(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now