When the goblin looked at the sheet she said something in gobbledygook. Pretty sure she was cussing. "Basically you've been feed loyalty, trust, hate, and love potions since you were a year old as well as compulsive spells and tracking charms. Your medical history wasn't completed until it lit blue." She stated pointing at the second pile of parchment. "To make matters worse your lord to multiple houses and due to the tournament your emancipated and I need to gather the paper work for that." She said looking over the first parchment which had turned into a scroll.

" Should I go get cleansed while you do that mayam? Also this won't leak to anyone unless I want it to right?" I said make a motion over all the paperwork.

"No it will not leak.! And yes let me call in the cleansers department. No need to worry of the cost either you have plenty." She told me moving to the horn shaped things mounted to the wall. Before calling out through them in gobbledygook.

"Is there a way I can learn gobble-dy-gook. It sounds hard to learn but it also sounds really neat." I asked she eyed me carefully for a few long minutes.

"That's what your lot calls it we call it the goblin tongue. It may be possible but you'll need a tutor." She said flatly nodding to the door as it opened. "Follow them and get cleansed. We will talk when you return."

I followed two goblins through the maze like hallways again to the cleansing room they asked me to remove everything from my pocket's and to open my trunk in the first room. This way they could check for any items that would readd that which they were getting rid of and remove anything I wouldn't want on or in my things. Then had me change into a simple closed front robe.

The pain I felt during the ritual to rid me of things that don't belong was awful. But I grit my teeth and managed to stay awake until it was done. When finished they sent me into a small bathroom to wash away all the sweat and blood that had come out of me during the cleansing. After some time they brought in a new set of clothes that I knew I didn't own. With the explanation of I was not leaving in rags.

Once I was safely back in my account managers office. I sat heavily she said quickly. "show me your wand." To tired from everything to care much I pulled it out and set it on her desk. She frowned "I suggest you get rid of that thing. It has trackers all over it."

"My owl is busy any chance you can send it to the Atlantic ocean.?" I asked only half joking.

She raised a brow at me but slowly nodded. "Happily if you like Mr Potter. We could also send it to America, Canada, Germany, or many other places." Then she smiled to herself. "We could also package it and send it on a world trip. Before having it dropped in the ocean."

I thought about it for a moment. Then said. "How about a world trip before it gets locked up in a brand new vault here. It's still my first wand after all. And one day I'll want to use it again no doubt." I looked to her and she smiled viciously.

"I can do that the cost of a separate vault is only 50 gallons upkeep on it would only be around 8-10 gallons every two years. Sound good? Good." she nodded to herself. "Now let's go over all these she said looking at the stack of folders on the desk. Okay you are lord to several houses heir to a couple." She watched me prepare myself for several moments before continuing.

"First is lord to house Potter. Has been available since the age of seven. Those accounts are a mess and have been ever since your father tended the account.next is lord to house of evans which hasn't been touched since your great great grandmother. Account is stable. Would you like for me to begin repairs and adjustments to both accounts?"

"Yes please do I'd like to own 25% shares in the profit between the two accounts. Also was my mother a pure blood?" I gave off a curious look to the goblin.

"She was okay next two lordships are Peverell and emrys. Both accounts are in perfect working order pulling in hefty sums every year. Only minor adjustments are needed. Shall I begin them?" She looked at me patiently.

"Yes and I'd like to also own 20% of the profit though those to accounts. And invest in a few new businesses. By about let's say 5-6% of them to see where they go." She wrote all that down. And moved the stacks to the other side of the desk though I noted the one file still sitting in the middle since the start. I had a bad feeling about that.

"Very well. Next two lordships are Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Both are a bit askew due to years of lack of use and reinvestment. Shall I begin new investments?"

"Yes, preferably places in knockturn, And hogsmead. Also I'd like 10% of the profit owned by these two accounts." I smiled as she gave a vicious smile back to me. Clearly seeing what I was doing.

"The last two will be much more difficult to deal with. Mainly due to the older of the two." She stated calmly finishing up the notes for those files and moving them to the other side with the ones already gone though. Still the one file remained. The last lordships are Ravenclaw and Arisilde. Ravenclaw is functional. Needs major adjustments though. However the Arisilde accounts are almost beyond help." She gave me a curious look. Waiting as I contemplated what to do.

Well for Ravenclaw let have it own 15%of the profit and make investments into some muggle companies. As for Arisilde let us get the other 30% of the profit as we can and if necessary we can lend that account some funds from the most stable accounts until it good then it can slowly start sending it back. We can discuss further on that account when it can stand on it's own better." I nodded to myself. Knowing it was the most sound plan that would be possible at the moment.

"I will see to it and you will be the owner of the profit." She gave me the biggest smile possible. Causing me to smile and blush. "Now the Potter accounts have been ransacked over the last few years. And I highly doubt it was you. from the time of your parents passing until now over 250,330,721 gallons have been taken."

"WHAT!!!! BUT I have only taken about 150 gallons per year since I was eleven!!!!!" I yelled completely pissed off. She began explaining all the problems with the Potter account and I began telling her what I wanted done to fix it as well as having her prepare a huge lawsuit within the ministry's under channels to get every last Knut back from Dumblearse, Molly Weasley, Ron, Ginny, and my aunt Petunia.

Hermione had also stolen but for some reason she had put every last knut in a separate account untouched. Which made me wonder if she really wanted to be paid like this. After asking her to look into that. She agreed if Hermione was simply trying to keep as much of his money safe as she could then she would not be charged.

When Everything with the Potter account was settled. I told her as soon as we own at the very least the majority of the profit we are going to get together and speak with Rita seeker. With a tell an exclusive explosive story. And no new action against the thieves can take place until just before we meet with her. "Hit them hard all at once. That way they break." This this we both must have looked and sounded like loons.

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