Lin Shuyu: "Don't laugh, change and change."

    As he said, he glanced at Tang Xuheng with some confusion: "Why every time you ask me a question, you happen to bump into me and make a mistake."

    "Where is every time?" Tang Xuheng said.

    Lin Shuyu corrected: "Most of the time."

    Tang Xuheng chuckled: "Maybe I was lucky, the blind cat ran into the dead mouse, not only solved the problem, but also helped you correct the mistake by the way, killing two birds with one stone."

    Lin Shuyu: "..."

.It makes sense, but he still feels something is wrong.

    He should be over-conscious.

    Tuesday afternoon, physical education class.

    After such a period of running-in, the people in the class have gradually become familiar. The boys made appointments to play basketball, while the girls walked in groups and chatted happily.

    No matter how hot the weather is, the students' enthusiasm for physical education can not be affected.

    Most people mentioned to walk to the school’s open-air sports field. The classroom was already empty by now.

    "Will you play basketball later?" Tang Xuheng asked.

    Lin Shuyu glanced out the window: "The sun is too big, it's hot, don't hit it."

    After thinking about it, he added: "And if we fight with them, isn't that a unilateral killing? It's boring."

.The corners of Tang Xuheng's lips raised slightly, and he teased: "I'm lazy to just say it, and I have so many excuses."

    "It's not lazy, or simply feels hot and doesn't want to bask in the sun." Lin Shuyu paused and asked, "Do you play badminton?"

    Tang Xuheng nodded slightly: "Fight."

    Lin Shuyu smoothly picked up the badminton racket cover hanging on the side of the table: "Let's go, I should be late for a while."

    This physical education class was no different from the previous one. The physical education teacher asked the class to jog around the playground for two laps, meaning that after doing exercises, the students were allowed to disband and move freely.

    Lin Shuyu and Tang Xuheng went straight to the badminton court.

    Different from the basketball court under the scorching sun, the badminton court in the school is located in a corner of the sports field. There are several big old trees around it. The shade of the trees just covers the badminton court and the nearby table tennis court.

.From time to time, there will be a breeze blowing, cool and cozy.

    Handsome people are always particularly eye-catching, not to mention two handsome guys together.

    Before the two of them fought for a while, many people gathered around.

    Most of them are girls.

    Even if they are onlookers, these people are still measured and not too close.

    Lin Shuyu and Tang Xuheng have long been accustomed to being onlookers, and Quandang cannot see them.

    Even if you are evenly matched, an unexpected guest suddenly arrives.

    "Two classmates, I also want to play badminton. How about adding me?"

[BL] A Cannon Fodder and a Bamboo Horse Dressed as an Attacker [Book Wearing]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat