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Bianca tightly grips the hilt of her sword while everyone was on the defensive. You watched as Adam walks away from the group and holds his hand up.

Adam: Blake, My darling. Don't waste your energy protecting these humans. Come back to the white fang. I can guarantee your safety and my full support. That goes for you as well Bianca. Leave the humans to rot and join your own kind.

Blake's eyes widen as she grips her Gambol Shroud tightly and begins to tremble. Bianca just snarls and slightly removes her katana from its sheathe. Yang steps in front of Blake and cocks her gauntlets.

Yang: They're not going anywhere with you.

Adam's smile fades as he lowers his hand and sighs.

Adam: That's a shame....By force it is then.

Adam grabs the hilt of his sword however Nightmare puts his hand on the Bull Faunas' shoulder.

Nightmare: Please. Allow me.

Adam looks at him.

Adam: What?!

Nightmare looks at him.

Nightmare: I'll ask for your help if I need it. For now, prep everyone in the village for...plan B if it comes to that.

Adam looks at the teams, Bianca and yourself before turning back to Nightmare. Nightmare sighs.

Nightmare: I will deliver Blake to you after.

Adam grips tightly on the hilt of his sword but calms down before nodding.

Adam: Men. Begin preparations.

The white fang soldiers look at Adam before lowering their guns and spreading out around the village. Adam goes to a bench and sits on it while the pup Cerberus grimm goes next to Nightmare and nuzzles him making the black haired boy run his hand on the snout of its middle head.

(Y/n): He's going to take us all on by himself?

Star: Let me take over (Y/n). Please, you'll need me.

You look at Vulcan on your hip. You see your hand trembling and grasp it tightly.

(Y/n): ...Okay.

Your hands fall to your sides and your eyes turn a hazel colour. Nightmare immediately looks at you and smiles.

Nightmare: Heh. There's the little light.

He looks over into the woods to see six glowing yellow eyes looking at him.

Nightmare: I'll save you for a rainy day. For now just grow.

The eyes linger for a bit before disappearing. Nightmare looks at the pup Cerberus which nods its heads and runs off into the forest.

Ren: The Beowolf!

Weiss: We'll have to deal with it later. We have another fight on our hands.

Nightmare smirks.

Nightmare: I'll have a piece of all of you in due time. For now I want you, little light.

Your eyes widen.

(Y/n): Wait, he can tell?

Star: He's perceptive. He might have noticed the change of colour in your eyes.

Ike: We need Bianca to get help and get the others to safety.

(Y/n): Bianca-

Jaune steps forward with sword and shield in hand.

Huntsman, Heroes and Personalities Volume 1 (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora