"George." Dream sighed

"Are you alright?" Sapnap said " well of course you're not alright but are you alright?" he asked entering his room again.

George shrugged

"George," Dream said softly, "why didn't you tell us?"

"i don't know, maybe- didn't really know what to say" George spoke weakly

George sat himself up, still wrapped in the blankets bringing his knees to his chest. Sapnap and Dream both sat at the end of his bed.

"When you dropped me off,I guess she hadn't knownI was coming over becauseI knocked on the door and she opened the door; but there was another guy on the couch." George spoke "she said she was gonna break up with me anyways so she didn't see why it mattered?"

"oh my god" Dream exhaled

"I really did love her" he spoke

"maybe it was stupid to.., but I did" George spoke, his voice cracking

"It's not stupid to have feelings, George" Dream replied

Sapnap got off the bed, seeming to be searching for something.

"what are you doing?" George asked

"shhhh" Sapnap spoke "hold up"

He finally pulled a box from under the bed. "found it"

"What is that?" Dream asked

"break up box" Sapnap answered

"why was it under the bed?" Dream asked

"have one at everyone's house" Sapnap smiled "always gotta be prepared"

"catch" Sapnap spoke throwing George a stuffed elephant

"it's like the one you had as a kid" Sapnap smiled

"I lost it like 5 years ago, how do you remember?" George asked

"I would take the credit but Dream did that one, he told me you like were obsessed with it when we were kids"

Dream gave a small smile at George, he was glad he could help. Even if he hadn't known what it was for at the time he told Sapnap.

"candy or chocolate?" Sapnap asked, trying to brighten George's mood.

"both?" George asked

"this is why we're best friends" Sapnap with a slight giggle


Sapnap had been called by his mom telling him to come home leaving Dream and George together. Dream made jokes hoping to get George to laugh, or even smile.

He told story's about dumb things they did as kids making both of them laugh, George seeming to forget why he was sad for even moments was all he hoped for.

"Do you think so?"

"Yes, I do." Dream laughed

"thank you for this" George spoke "sorry for worrying you guys"

"we're just glad you're alright" Dream smiled

"Still, thank you. ik it's probably stressful whenI just go MIA"

"George, don't stress yourself. you were hurt and so you took time to yourself, don't be worried about us" Dream spoke "you don't always have to worry for others feelings over your own"

"how'd you remember about this?" George asked holding the stuffed elephant in his hands

"i was looking through old photos a few months back and so when Sapnap asked me if there was anything u had an emotional attachment to as a kidI thought of that"

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