A baby was crying somewhere, refusing to be silenced.

It was whilst looking for that baby that Aïda caught someone looking at her.

Of cause, it's not an unusual thing to be looked at, but she'd seen that same man looking at her outside Tuis Kombuis on three separate occasions. He did not enter the restaurant, and he always left after she saw him.

Like he did just then.

"Zoë," She whispered to her bestie.
"I'll be right back, okay?"
"Okay, but hurry. Be here before the 'blessing' okay."

Aïda barely heard her friend as she made her way to the door. She reached the front entrance just in time to see him leave in a car taxi.


It couldn't be a coincidence. Not after three times and not with him running away. The other times he slowly walked away seemingly talking with someone on the phone. This time he practically ran away.

What was going on?

She reached her seat just in time to receive the blessing and never had she needed it more.

"The LORD bless you. The LORD keep you. The LORD makes His face shine on you..." The pastor continued.

"Are you sure you want to be alone?" Zoë asked in the church parking lot.
"Yes, I just need some 'me time'."
"Okay. Open my gift when you get home. Okay?" Zoë urged her friend.
"Okay," Aïda agreed.

After the previous incident, Aïda barely had any energy left.

She got into her car with Zoë staring at her, with a concerned look on her face.

"Sorry Zoë, I can't spoil your Christmas too," She whispered to no one in particular.



"Don't call me again, I'll call you," Tiffany whispered as she disconnected the call.
"Who were you talking to?" Aden inquired with a raised brow.
"No one. It was no one," She muttered .

Aden continued with his quizzical look, "If you say so."
"It...it was a... I mean the wrong number. So erm, how did you like your gift?"
"I love it. Who wouldn't love a year's supply of socks. Yeah..."

He got interrupted by Tiffany's uncontrollable laughter.

"You don't believe me, do you?" A red faced Aden asked.
"No, you're such a bad liar, Aden."

She continued to laugh, " I'm sorry. I had no idea what to get you. You already have everything. So...Yeah."

Aden just shrugged his shoulders.

"You can never have too many socks. I do appreciate it."
"Really?" Tiffany couldn't believe her ears.
"I'm serious. I'll certainly not run out of socks anytime soon," He joked.

"You two come in. Get out of the cold. We're not in South Africa anymore," It was Suzaan, Heinrich's wife.

"We'll be right there," Aden said.

Tiffany grabbed his right arm, as he was leaving to enter the back door.

"Thanks for my gift. I really appreciate it. Gosh I feel like crying again," she wiped away the tears, "Thanks for making my day."

"Don't mention it. Just enjoy it,okay?"

"Come on you two. The food is  getting cold," Suzaan nagged at them.

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