Aïda gave her a blank stare.

"Anyway," Tiffany continued, "I won't be there, there's nothing to fear. Okay?"


Wow the fall of the woman.

Aïda continued to stare.

"I'll be in Manchester for the holidays with Aden and his family. I left a snow-clad New York, because he missed me. Erm...anyway, be there okay."

And with that Tiffany left.

Aïda was left with confusion and something else.

Why would Tiffany tell her about her holiday plans? Most importantly, why does it hurt to know that she'll be spending it with Aden and his family?

He missed her ?

Clearly things were serious between them.

The ringing of her phone disturbed her thoughts.

"Hello Aïda Völlenhoven speaking."

"Miss Völlenhoven, Sureshni from Govender and Naidu Attorneys here. "

Aïda was a bit confused.

"Miss Sureshni, how may I assist you?"
"We'd like to see you at our offices on Monday, at ten."


"Regarding?" Aïda asked.
"Our client has heard about your new business venture. They've seen your business plan too, and they're interested in financing it," Sureshni stated.

Aïda was in shock. She had not expected such a call, so soon.
She had not expected such a call at all.

"Miss Völlenhoven?"
"Yes, I can be there."
"Good. I have your contact details, I'll send an email with the adress immediately. "
"That will be wonderful. Thank you, Miss Sureshni. Good day."
"To you too, Miss Völlenhoven."

There was hope.

Aïda was ecstatic. It was a step in the right direction, and every step mattered.

She had not even noticed the envelope slipping from her fingers.


Monday morning, after the meeting at the attorneys' office.

Aïda had been on a emotional rollercoaster. She was both excited and nervous about her meeting at Govender and Naidu Attorneys.

The meeting was quite relaxed. Their client was based on the UK. The client had agreed to give as much financial aid as needed. She would have the freedom to make all the decisions, as the client would be a silent partner. Everything was perfect. Too perfect.
Maybe too good to be true?

Aïda sighed.

They gave her six months to decide. That was good. She'll have enough time to do research and to think it over. Enough time to look for more opportunities too.


Back in her office at Tuis Kombuis in the early evening.

"I agree. It sounds too good to be true, chomma, be careful," A concerned Zoë, voiced her opinion.
"Yeah, not only that: I would've really liked help from a banking institution. It would be nice not to have a partner, silent or otherwise," Aïda sighed.

It was a dilemma, but she hoped a good one.

"Tell me, do you have plans for New Year?" Zoë said, "Don't tell me that sleep is on the menu."

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