"Gally, shut your bloody hole," Hope hissed from the bed he lay upon. "There's a griever right outside the window. Just sit your butt down and be quiet - maybe it'll go away,"

Gally looked up, his eyes narrowing. "You don't get it, Hope. You're too stupid - you've always been too stupid! There's no way out - there's no way to win! They're going to kill all of you - one by one!"

He let out a scream and suddenly hurled himself at the window like a rabid animal trying to escape a cage, clawing at the planks boarded across it. He managed to rip one off, throwing it to the side and immediately grabbed at a second. Hope yelled out and lunged forwards to stop him with Jay.

All too quickly, Gally ripped the plank off just as Hope reached him and swung it around to collide with Hope's head. There was a spurt of blood as the boy collapsed onto a bed and Amara cried out his name, rushing to aid him and his wound. Jungkook, meanwhile, readied himself for a fight.

Jay, stopped in time, narrowly avoiding the same fate as his friend. "Stop it, you slinthead!" he shouts angrily at Gally.

Amara and Suga scramble forwards to help Hope. They both use their combined strength to turn him on his back and examine the wound. Blood soaked through his dirty blonde hair and was already sliding down the side of his face. Suga knew more than her about the medical field, so Suga instructed her to take the blanket from off her shared bed with Jay and give it to him. From there, he scrunched it up and pressed it to Hope's wound, attempting to staunch the bleeding.

"Gally!" Jungkook yelled. "What're you doing?"

The boy spat on the ground, panting like a winded dog. "You shut your shuck-face, Jungkook. You shut up! I know who you are, but I don't care anymore. I can only do what's right."

Jungkook felt as if his feet were rooted to the ground. He was completely baffled by what Gally was saying. He was insane.

Gally had already torn loose the final wooden plank. The second the discarded piece of wood hit the floor, the glass of the window exploded inwards like a swarm of crystal wasps. Jungkook and Jay, who were stood closest to the window, covered their faces with their arms, protecting their sight from the sting of glass.

A griever pulsating, bulbous body had squirmed halfway through the small window. Amara screamed, her heart jumping into her throat from the jump-scare, before throwing herself over Hope with Suga.

They could see the monsters pulsating grey flesh trying to ooze its way through the small opening, whirring gears and odd attachments banging against the side of the wall in a horrendous cacophony.

Jungkook was so terrified, he barely registered that V and Jin had fled to the hallway. To safety.

A metallic arm with pincers like a crab, suddenly reached out for Amara and again she screamed out in fear, scrambling backwards and taking the unconscious blonde boy in her arms with her. Jay quickly grabbed the closest weapon he could find, a sword, and with one swift motion, he cut off the arm that was reaching for Amara, Suga and Hope.

"No one ever understood!" Gally wailed. "No one understood what I saw, what the changing did to me! Don't go back to the real world! You don't. . . want to. . . remember!"

With another anguished scream, he threw himself at the Griever. Jay shot up forwards and grabbed ahold of his arm. "Gally! No! You stupid shank!" He screamed, trying his hardest to pull him back. "A little help here!" He shouts over his shoulder.

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