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A/N: hey! I have had a influx of readers so I just wanna quickly say hi. I hope you're all enjoying James and Celeste, this is just a little filler chapter before some erm, intense shit? Take that how you will. Enjoy xo


Celeste pushed the door open, the smell of coffee hitting her in the face. Vis was stood at the coffee machine steaming some milk when he caught her out the corner of his eye.

"Ah the wanderer returns!" He smiled as he put the metal jug down "how was it?"

Celeste smiled brightly at him "it was amazing, I feel like a new person!"

"You look it! You have that coastal glow about you. I've been trying for months to get Wanda over there, but alas we're too busy here." He sighed.

"Babe!" Jas' voice rang through her ears from behind her. Her arms wrapped around Celeste, hugging her from behind.

"I've missed you so much!" She squeezed her "go grab a seat and I'll bring the coffees over"

"Oh and a cinnamon swirl!"

Jas rolled her eyes "obviously."

She placed the hot coffees down in front of Celeste, she grabbed one and took a big sip, closing her eyes and enjoying it.

"God that's good. So come on, tell me everything about the trip!"

Jas flopped down on the couch next to her, her smile stretching across her face.

"Oh Ce it was amazing, he put so much effort into every second we spent together. He padded the car out with blankets and pillows for the drive, he got all my favourite snacks. We stopped half way at this tiny café that made the best pancakes ever." Jas' eyes were practically sparkling talking about it.

"Then the rest of the weekend we just relaxed and went on walks, we cooked together, drank, played board games. It was just - magical." She cringed, laughing softly. "He then took me to meet June, who by the way, is phenomenal. I want to be her when I grow up."

"I am so jealous you got to meet her! Steve has told me so much about her and then James told me she took him in for a while which just made me want to meet her more."

"She honestly is one of the loveliest people I have ever met. Steve wanted me to meet her so he could - " Jas took a deep breath "Steve has asked me to move in with him when we leave Thor's" she flashed her eyes up to Celeste's to gage her reaction. Celestes jaw dropped open, a smile formed on her lips before she lunged towards Jas embracing her in a hug. Jas let out a laugh hugging her tighter.

"That's amazing Jas! I can't believe you came out here on a whim and now you're moving in with your boyfriend! Looks like you're here to stay" she wiggled her eyebrows.

"So you're okay with it? I just didn't - "

"Yes! A hundred times yes. You came out here to be happy! Steve's my best friend I couldn't think of - "

"Excuse me! I'm your best friend!" Jas squealed.

"You know what I mean, I am so so happy for you" Celeste cupped her face "you deserve to be this happy."

Celeste saw a small tear creep into Jas' eye, she quickly blinked it away and smiled at her "I love you Ce, I'm so glad we get to live this life together."

"I love you too."

"Do you think you'll move in with James or back to your apartment?" She picked up her coffee, holding it in both hands.

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