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"Miss Song! I'm Peter, Mr Barnes asked me to make sure you got to his office ok. If you'd like to follow me" Peter greeted Celeste at the desk.

She smiled at how sweet he was "thank you Peter"

"Let me carry these for you" he held our his hands to hold the coffees she had brought.

"Oh no it's fine honestly! Thank you though" she got into the elevator and Peter pressed the button. They stood in awkward silence, Peter shuffled on the spot until the doors opened. He walked out "this way, Miss song"

Celeste peered in the glass walled rooms where adults were taking classes until they reached James office. "I thought it was kids here?" She asked Peter

"Not at the moment, it's adults only during the week and we have no kids in accomodation right now"

Peter knocked on the door "Mr Barnes, Miss Song is here"

James pulled the door open with a smile "thanks Peter! Can you make sure noone interrupts me for the next couple of hours?"

"Sure thing Mr Barnes. It was nice to meet you Miss Song" he started to walk away, stopping a few people who were coming to speak to James.

James shut the door behind Celeste. She looked adorable, her hair was wild from the cold air outside and her cheeks were rosy.

She put the coffees down and took off her coat looking around his office.
So typically James, black. Everywhere. She thought to herself.

She turned to him "Hello" she sighed.
He tilted his head at her walking towards her, he took her face in his hands and kissed her gently.
"Hey" he whispered to her "now, are we going to get this out of the way so I can show you around and show you what I've been doing with my time?"

She nodded "I don't know why I feel so down about it, I just feel bad that we're keeping it from him. He is totally onto us, he told me this morning. He asked me about Chad..." James scoffed at his name "...as I was saying, he asked about him, me dating and trying to set me up with Sam!" She started to blabber.

"Wait, who the fuck is Sam?"

Celeste threw herself onto his couch and let out a frustrated groan.

"He used to work with Steve at Darcey's, he's coming back to manage it because..." She started to explain before he cut her off

"Sam Wilson?!" James sat down next to her

"Yes that's him, Steve's..."

"Hold on did you just say he's coming back to manage? Manage what?"

"If you'd just let me finish you'd find out!" She slapped him on the thigh.

He gestured zipping his mouth close.

"Darcy has bought the bar we've been spending time at, she wants Steve to manage it, and for me to go with him and train to be assistant" she smiled reminding herself how much of a opportunity it was "so Sam's coming back to manage Darcey's whilst we sort it out"

James' eyes lit up, he smiled widely at her throwing his arms in the air
"Doll!! I'm so happy for you!" He pulled her onto his lap so she was facing him.
He brought her in for a kiss "honestly I am so proud of you, look at you go!"

She sniggered "Thanks baby. But I'm going to be spending a lot more time with Steve whilst we get the bar together so we need to sort this out, you can't just drop by to a closed bar to see me. He needs to know."

James ran his fingers through her hair and down her cheek whilst he thought about it.

"James the way he was bugging me today just made me feel bad, and I hate the fact I have to say we're 'just friends' to him. I want you to kiss me in public, I want to go on dates, I want you to sit at the bar and grab my ass when I walk by"

Red - Bucky Barnes x OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin