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Jas burst through their front door with a bottle of champagne in hand "Where is that boss bitch?!" She yelled popping the cork.

Celeste came running out of their room and slipping on the floor in her socks
"She's right here bitches!" She threw her hands up in the air and started to dance.

Jas jumped on her, making them both tumble to the floor. "I am so freaking proud of you!" She grabbed Celeste's face squeezing her cheeks in her fingers.

"Watch the make up!" She whacked Jas' hands away from her. "Come on we need to get ready we have a table at El Pincho in an hour."

Jas grabbed the bottle and 2 glasses and made her way into the bedroom.

"What you wearing?" She asked Celeste as she dug through the closet.

"My yellow checked trousers, this top I cut up a while back, black boots and my leather jacket, you?"

"Specific" Jas hummed to herself whilst looking.

"I'm gonna wear your leopard skirt, your AC/DC shirt and my chunky black boots." She said as she grabbed the items she needed.

"Oh I'm glad to see my stuff comes in handy" Celeste laughed as she swiped red lipstick on and pulled her hair up into a bun.

Jas finished getting ready as she and Celeste chatted, sipping champagne. She waited to break the news to Jas about telling Steve, but if she knows anything about her best friend, it's to wait until she's full of food before breaking news to her.

"I'm so excited to see the new bar you know, I think you and Steve will be the best thing that's happened to it"

"I've been daydreaming about it all day Jas, Darcy has given us fill say pretty much. We're going to make it look amazing."

"Have you told your mum and dad yet?"

"Yeah! I face timed them earlier today, dad's so proud of me" she smiled.

"I knew they would be babe, it's in your blood."

Celeste got comfortable on the bed watching Jas fight with her hair getting ready. She was so happy with how things were falling into place. Jas pulled on her clothes and grabbed her phone and stuffed everything in a bag

"Ok I'm ready, let go get a cab" she gulped the last of her champagne.


The host showed them to their table, the place was packed. Celeste wasn't used to having Fridays off, she didn't know if she liked how busy it was. They ordered 4 shots of tequila, 2 Paloma cocktails to started them off and a lot of food to soak the alcohol up.

The shots came, they clinked their glasses together and did the first shot. Celeste passed Jas another straight away.

"Babe are you trying to kill me, I thought these would be spread out over the night"

Celeste took in a deep breath "we're telling Steve." She stated. Jas may not have been full of food but she had strong alcohol in front of her which worked just as well.

Jas sat back in her chair, praising to the sky "oh thank fuck, I don't think I could have kept it up. He's been asking me loads of questions recently trying to trick me into answering him"

"That's what I'm worried about Jas, him finding out you didn't tell him, won't it just make it worse? Will you fall out?"

Jas scrunched her face up thinking about it "naaaaaah it'll be fine, I'll talk to him. We just gotta make sure he's ok with you two first don't worry about me. I have my ways of apologising to him" she winked.

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