17: Water Fights & Unexpected Guests

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As soon as he started massaging again, I let out a playful moan making him groan again. "Bianca!"

"Sorry" I giggled.

"Alright no more massages for you" he said, raising his eyebrow in a challenging way which left me pouting.

"Do not make that face either!" Caleb said, resting his forehead on my shoulder.

"You love it" I winked, getting up off the bed to put some distance between us.

"Bianca... oh and Caleb... do you guys want to go for a swim?" Tori said, running into the bedroom.

"Sure" I smiled.

I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out a triangle Kaiami Charlotte Rose Bikini and walked into my bathroom while Caleb laid on my bed.

"You know, I would not mind if you were to get dressed out here" he said.

"Yeah, well you might want to keep dreaming buddy" I laughed, slipping on my bikini top.

"How did you know that I already dream of that? Has someone been snooping through my dreams?" Caleb asked, chuckling.

"Shut up" I laughed, "can you please tie this up?"

"'Sure princess".

"Alright let's go" he said, once my top was tied up.

"Piggyback ride?" I asked.

"Hop on" he laughed, rolling his eyes.

He put me down on the ground once we had reached the pool.

"Where is Tori?" I asked.

"She was right here" Caleb looked around the yard, panicking.

Seconds later, Tori jumped out from around the corner with water balloons and a water pistol.

"Don't you dare" I warned, slowly backing away.

Before I could reach safety, a water balloon was thrown directly at my stomach, splashing the cold water all over the front of me.

"That is it, you are a goner" I laughed, chasing after her.

On the way, I picked up a water gun and started squirting her. We both realised that Caleb still had not got wet and was just staring at us in amusement.

We both pointed our water pistols at him and started squirting him until he was completely drenched.

He ran around the corner and filled up some more water balloons as Tori and I were spraying each other. All of a sudden, water balloons were flying through the sky and landing on the both of us.

I picked up a water balloon and quietly made my way around to where Caleb was hiding. He did not notice me and I was right behind him. I lifted my arm back and dropped the water balloon onto Caleb's head before taking off in a sprint.

He quickly turned around and stared at me in shock for a brief second before running after me. A couple of seconds later, his arm went around my waist as I let out a squeal.

I turned around and saw that he had another water balloon resting in his hand, he threw it up and down while shaking his head.

"What shall I do with you princess? he smirked.

"Spare me" I squeaked.

"That will not work" he shook his head.

I wrapped one of my arms around his neck while my other hand played with his damp hair.

As I moved my lips closer to his neck, I heard him gulp.

"Got you" I whispered seductively into his ear before running away.

Tori and I teamed up once again as we both started squirting Caleb with water until he was drenched.

He walked up to me, grinning, "nicely done."

"Why thank you".

Caleb picked me up bridal style and before I knew what was happening, I was thrown into the pool.

I came up to the surface and saw a smirking Caleb and a laughing Tori.

"Nicely done" I laughed at Caleb.

"Why thank you" he laughed, copying me from moments ago.

After a few more hours of playing around in the pool, there was a knock on the door.

"Were you expecting anyone?" I asked Caleb.

"Nope, were you?"

"No but I will go and get it" I laughed, slipping my towel around my body as I went to see who knocked on the door.

As soon as I opened the door, I tried shutting it again but his foot stopped the door from closing. Standing at the door was Will. He looked awful yet that did not really bother me in the slightest. The feelings of love that I had were overpowered by those of hate, anger, and sadness. The past few weeks had started off dreadfully. I was now able to see who the truly important people were in my life and focus on the good rather than the negative.

"Please Bee, we need to talk" he begged, walking inside.

"What the hell are you doing here Will?" I yelled.

"You blocked my number so I had to come and see you" he answered.

"Did you not get my message? I do not want to talk to you" I said angrily.

"Look I need to apologise".

"I do not want to hear it" I cut him off, "you said what you needed to say at your house and in the messages. I am not going to take you back, nor do I want to."

"Just give me another chance."

"Absolutely not, you cheated on me throughout our entire relationship Will so just leave. This is not my house and Julie should not have you turning up at her door" I yelled.

"I know, cheating on you was a mistake and I did not mean it" he said.

"How do you not mean to sleep with numerous people? I have asked you to get out so go" I screamed.

"Not until you take me back" he said, standing his ground.

"Will, get out of my house. She told you to leave" Caleb's voice boomed from behind me.

I turned around and Caleb was standing right behind me with his towel wrapped around his waist and his hands in fists on either side of his body.

"Stay out of this, it is between Bianca and I" Will said.

"Well, I am a part of it now since this is my house and Bianca is my guest" he said dangerously low.

"I am not going to ask you again, leave or you will regret it" Caleb warned.

"I am not going anywhere" Will smirked.

Caleb came to the front door and shoved Will out onto the veranda. It was hard enough to make him trip and fall down the two steps and land on the pavement.

"I have been wanting to do that since you hurt that beautiful girl standing right there" Caleb yelled, clenching his fists.

"You do not deserve her; you left her heartbroken. Do not come back otherwise I will call the cops" Caleb threatened, walking back inside.

"Just leave me alone Will" I sighed, closing the door, and locking it.

"Are you okay princess?" he asked.

"Yeah, I just want him to leave me alone" I sighed.

"I know princess, I do not think that he will come back" he said, wrapping his arms around my waist as mine made their way around his neck.

"How many people do you call Princess Caleb?" I asked, burying my head into his chest.

"There is only one in the world and I am looking at her right now" he kissed my forehead.

My chest instantlywarmed. The friendship between Caleb and I had become a lot more flirtatious inthe past few days. When we kissed at the party, it was like a switch went offfor both of us. I knew that we were just friends but a little bit of flirtingnever hurt anyone.

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