"Elder Rook.." Louis nods at the old man, "You can help him?"

Elder Rook and the old man with him starts laughing, heartily. "Jeez, Louis. We cant help him in any way, that's impossible even to us.."

"Then how is going to live, like what you said."

"I think, this young man Kiron knows how. He is wise beyond his age, and he possibly knows more than you gave him credit for.." Elder Rook states.

Everyone in the room whip their head to Kiron and look at him, inquiringly.

"You know how to help my brother, Kiron?" Liam exclaimed, bewildered.

Kiron nod his head, scared. While he shuffles on his foot and look down on the ground.

The air grew thick while, a defeaning silence envelope the whole room.

"How?" Liam's voice is deadly, and Kiron starts to tremble while he starts sweating.

"Um..if he mate with his destined mate.." Kiron stammers, nervously.

Keanu suck his breath and clutch is arm to stop himself from trembling. Liam looked at Kiron with wide eyes and even the warriors from their pack.

"Well, you just have to search for your mate eh, Keanu." Louis said, and pat Keanu on the back. Hoping that it will calm the intense and awkward air around them.

"Finding his mate won't be easy..." Liam sighed, rubbing his face tiredly. "Its been years since we are searching but to no avail.. I already find mine but brother's mate.. I don't know.."

"But, Alpha...." Kiron, stutters as he stood and look at Mikee with knowing eyes.

"Just let it be, Kiron. I still have to continue my story." Keanu states, blankly without looking to them.

Masha, to Louis surprise scoot near the man and hug Keanu comfortingly. "Yes, please tell us more.."

Keanu smile at the boy and ruffle his hair, "Hm, where are we again.. Oh right, that night when the rogue ambushed us, I used my abilities to fight them while the others escape. I won the fight, but I received a fatal wound from them. Trudging to the cold night without any light on my way, I unknowingly came upon a small town. My body was losing its strength while I fought to keep my consciousness but everything became so hard for me, and before I knew it I'm already falling on the cold snow filled ground. And when I woke up, Maria was there tending my wounds, and even though I knew that I can just heal myself and escape away from them, I shocked even myself for deciding to stay. Hours passed, then days..and before I knew it, I'm already falling for her. But I knew I can't stay. However, I'm reluctant in leaving her..."

Keanu's voice starts to shake, while everyone hung on every words that he say.

"Then the unexpected happened, a group of hunters suddenly came into that small town. But they were not like the other hunters that fought for the goodness of human kind. They were like savage bandits, living to kill whoever they wanted to kill. And the townsfolk were not too lucky, because some of them became their victim. And I, wanted to help them used my abilities again. Even risking my own self to saved them.."

Then they jump when Keanu suddenly laugh bitterly, while he look around them with painful eyes.

"And did you know what they did to me. To those humans that I saved. They branded me as a witch. A curse one. An abomination. Declared that I have to be eliminated. But before they executed me, Maria helped me to escaped. Risking herself to protect me.."

Masha's eyes glisten while he look at Keanu's broken face. And without even hesitating he hug the man, gently. Giving him comfort, even for a while. "Sorry Masha..If I knew that your mother is pregnant with you, that time...I would have brought her with me. I can't even think on what might happened to you, all this time.. And its okay if you don't forgive me, but please give me a chance to be a father to you.."

Louis heart broke when Masha, his mate starts sobbing painfully. Some of them were also tearing up, while looking to the both of them who were in a tight embrace on the carpeted floor, crying.

But when Masha groan, Louis suddenly move fast and gently pull his mate on his arms. "What's wrong Masha, is it the baby?"

"I don't know Lo, but it hurts.." Masha grimace, and rub his stomach. Which is starting to hurt.

"It might because of the change.." Louis whip his head on Keanu's and look at him widely.

"What do you mean?" Louis, utter fearfuly. "What change?"

"Masha is pregnant with your son, who has an Elder blood. And when his life were suddenly threatened because of the pregnancy his werewolf blood awakened. Changing his body to accommodate the babies that now growing inside of him. But because he's still too young for the change to happen, it will be quite painful for him.."

Louis just gape at Keanu with an open mouth. "Hm, like we thought.. Your family really knew what you are, then." Then Louis suddenly whip his head at Elder Rook.

"What's really going on here? Who the fuck he is?!" He growled, irritated. Pointing Keanu while glaring at the Elders.

Elder Rook sighed, "He is Keanu Jeanne Vlad, from the Vlad Family who inherited the blood of the Moon Goddess. From the Crescent Moon Pack who is their main protector. A small clan who came from this pack. But an event took placed thousand years ago, throwing their whole family outside of this pack's protection while they wondered in the wild.. And I guess, its the Moon's Goddess plan to reunite the whole clan to make everything right, once again."

Everyone is quiet while they let the new unbelievable information sink within them.

"Wow, that's deep.. and unbelievable.." Lee, one of Masha's friend exclaimed, hooking his shoulder on Shanna's waist.

"Yeah, even I can't believe that everything is connected like this.." Leny, Louis mother grumbles while she brushes her hair.

Masha, tightened his hold on Louis shoulder and look at him uxpectantly. "Then how about the baby? Are they going to be okay?"

Keanu look at his son with sympathy. Standing up, he walk towards him and crouch down on Masha's level. "Don't worry, your mate will going to be with you every step on the way. And a lot more people are here to protect you." Then Keanu straightened his back and whip his head towards the large open window. "And I'm here now, to protect you as your father."

Masha nod his head and take calming breath. However, Liam squinted his eyes feeling that there is someting wrong with his brother, and walk near him.

"What is it brother?"

"The storm is here.. I hope that you're well prepared Louis, Alpha of the Crimson Fang Pack. Because this upcoming fight will not going to be like what you've experienced before."

Louis shudder, when he heard a defeaning howl not far from them. As it followed by a lot more.. Breaking their peaceful silence...


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