A Final Goodbye from the Heartbroken

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(Spoilers from the latest lore, themes of death, loneliness and overall, heartbreak)

My dearest, Cynthia,

You will not be able to read this, and I know that.

In my time in the Overworld, I have managed to pick up on the English language. It's really weird. You can put the word "had" in a sentence twice and no one bats an eye. Humans, right?

Alright, the papers getting wet.  Shit.  Fuck. Piss.  Ass.  Those are some swears.  Haha funny.  I remember when I cried once because you got my flowers and some of the water got on you.  I couldn't find you for three days because you instinctively teleported away.  Sorry about that.

Our kid died the other day.  That happened.

I'M SORRY THAT WAS THE ONLY WAY I COULD BREAK IT TO YOU!  I would erase that and make it more dramatic but this dude gave me a pencil without an eraser.  But anyways, yeah.  Ranboo isn't currently living.  Like, at all.  Hate it when they do that.  Dude got stabbed or some shit.

You hated when I laughed after they fell into that damn portal.  You know I joke when I'm upset.  It's kinda like that, now.  Still kidless.  Ha.  It's still no one's fault, unless I figure out what son of a bitch killed our child.  You could join, if you want.  Murder missions are fun for you, right?  I barely remember, man.

God, Cynthia, my beloved, I miss you.  You would know what to do.  Would you?  I don't even know.  Shit the papers getting wet again.


Wait I just learned new info.


Hold up I'll get back to writing this.

I love you, my beloved.  My love I miss you dearly, it's practically unbearable, and with our child gone... I want to help.  I can't though.  I was late.

So my next goal is to save you.

Also why did our Ranboo have a literal son.  Someone explain.

I'M BACK TO THE PAPER HAHAHA!  Still very upset though.

Ranboo married a short goat human guy named Tubbo.  They lived in a snow mansion or something.  It's very snowy here.  I'm glad in the time they lived, Ranboo got to get married.  Also Tubbo is very short and very sad.  I wonder if he was always like that, if our child was one of the sole happy things in his life.  No idea, I just want to see our baby as a hero.  They are to me.  So are you, darling.

Our grandson is named Michael.  He is a zombie piglin who is missing currently.  Not... "pogchamp."  Whatever that means. 

My new friend here is Connor.  A strange man, but he provides much grass!  It's really helped me.  I think it would've helped our Ranboo.  God, I don't even know my own kid.  I'm a lame excuse for a mother, huh?  Damn, I lost them for too long.

Also, from what I've heard from some weird blond kid?  Ranboo is a ghost.  I don't remember what that means, but our Ranboo isn't the Ranboo we know.  Well, it has been about, what?  17, 18 years?  Our baby is still just that: a baby.  They lived so much longer than I thought they would.  I wish I could tell them how proud I am of them.

I have 100 or more years left to live, but what's there worth living without you?

I love you, dearest,
Lotus Beloved

My child,

You have no memory of me or your mother.  I understand that.  And I guess the you I'm trying to get to can't really read this.  Whatever.

I'm your mama, Lotus.  Your mother is named Cynthia, the most lovely lady I ever fell out of a tree for.  She would fly up to the top of our End cities whe you were small, sing to you.  You had loved it, babbling your nonsense joyfully until you would nod off.  You were the sweetest baby I ever knew.  I would read stories from the Overworld to you, though I didn't know any of the words at that point.  It was calm.  It was happy.

I just want you to know you will always be my beautiful baby.

You poor thing, you must've been so scared.  I'm proud of you, little one.  You could never imagine my pride for you.  You lasted so long, lived a life I could never manage to get with you.  You had a family that I could never give you because of my carelessness all those years ago.

Ranboo, you fought so hard through your years.  I don't know much, but... all I can say is that I'm proud.

God, I wish I could've met the person you had become.  You must've been a lovely young one.

Do I need to say it again?  I am so goddamn proud of you, my darling baby.

Rest easy, my love.

— Mama

And that's all she wrote to her beloveds, both whom would never return to her, not in any way she wished.  Lotus Beloved was completely, utterly...

"And you know there was nothing you could do to prevent it."  The voice told her.

"Shut the fuck up."

"Good night to you too, then, Beloved.  My favorite widow."



Officially, the end

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