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Dream was bored.  That was all.

Ranboo wasn't.  That was for sure.

They were taken in by Phil, officially, a day ago.  Well, Ranboo really didn't have a place to go home to, and because Tubbo and his dad already left, Philza let Ranboo sleep in the room with all the bandages, potions of healing, everything else medical. It wouldn't be permanent, but if he where to just put the kid in Tommy's room without warning the blond, he would have a fit despite not ever using that bed.

Waking up was a bit of a problem. The first thing the child saw when waking up here again was Dream, standing in the corner of the room, his unsettling smile drawn apron his circular face. He stood for a long while, not moving. The young god wanted to see what this kids reaction would be. It would be really funny if they started screaming and crying in utter terror.

"Hi."  The kid said, as if it was natural.  No screams in fear, no sobs, just a "hi."  A bit disappointing, Dream thought.

The particles were still not allowed in the bedrooms. It was just an angry god and a sweet child. No wrongdoings here, not at all!

Dream took a step closer. Ranboo's stomach filp-flopped, but they ignored it. The guy was a bit scary, but that didn't mean he wasn't nice. "What? Are you not scared?"

The kid shook their head, then held their hand out. "I-I'm Ranboo."

The already smiling god smirked. Oh, wonderful, they don't remember me. Great! I can work with this kid. Stupid kids are always funny to mess around with.

"Nice to meet you, kid. The names Dream. You could call me..." Oooo, what's the tactic? His mother wouldn't find out because this child wasn't human, so this was free reign. What would be easily believable to a creature like this? Man, this thing was barely a child! It was... well, a thing! It lived in a burrow for the longest time, no correct child does that. No wonder it's parents left it for dead in a cave, it wasn't anyone's ideal child.

He got an idea.

"...Your loyal imaginary friend!" He forced enthusiasm into his voice. Ranboo's face lit up. "You're a-you- f-friend?" They hopped off the bed to go and hug the legs of their brand-new friend. Forever.

But when they went to hug the tall friends legs, which was all they went up to, black-and-white hands went right through. Dream shivered. He never liked "going ghost," as Drista had called it. People passed through him and it just felt weird and unnatural.

Just because there was nothing didn't mean the child wasn't still hugging the air. They looked up at Dream. "What do you, uh, w-wanna do? New friend? You can meet Philza! H-he let me, uh, s-sleep here! It's really nice and cozy... you can meet, uhhhh... W-Wilbur, too! And Tubbo! And, uh, Tommy!"

"No, kid, I'm imaginary." He argued. "They won't see me." The god squat down to the kid's level, ruffling their hair. "Only you can. Because, at least I think your special."

Their face lit up with an expression of pure, innocent joy. "Yay, thank you Dream!"

Then the door opened, showing the man in green robes with grey wings. "Ranboo, mate? Who're you talking to?" He asked.

Childboo - Dream SMP Ranboo FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now