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Quick recap if needed, Ranboo is a small, scared 5-year-old who woke up in a stronghold one day and cried.  Then they went to the surface, made a friend with a goat boy named Tubbo.  Then they met this weird moody god guy who stole some particles and freaked out the kid.  So anyways Tubbo and Ranboo have a sleepover, Ranboo almost dies because of a storm, Philza ends up taking the kid in.  Then the god, Dream, pulls a dick move and kidnaps this kid and goes to Dream XD like "Hey kill this kid bye-bye" and Dream XD is just like "No but sure ig" and Sleeping Beauty's that mfer.

I bet you guys can't wait for the sequel.

Trust me, it's less of a sequel and more an... alternate universe.  Trust me.  It's happy.

Love you all bye <3

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