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It was a great day for a random snow storm in the middle of September.

Ranboo had been living around the pond for what, two months? And every day, no matter how late or early it seemed, Tubbo would at least come and say hi, bringing bread or, even better, a picnic. Ranboo liked the picnics when they happened, not that they remembered them once they were done.

Despite all Dream did, he kept his end of the deal.  Ranboo now had some form of confidence in saying words, even if they were, in fact, singular words.  They were mostly just that. They also could understand a few words in English. It wasn't that they knew a lot of them, far from it actually. Dream had given Ranboo the bare minimum. Which is not at all compared to what Dream had taken.  Yes, the particles still missed their other friends.  Ranboo didn't even remember that, though.

Despite how long they had lived nearby, Ranboo had never gone into the town they had seen when they first left the cave.  They didn't leave the pond clearing, even. It was a nice, secluded space, perfect for someone like Ranboo. Also speaking of Ranboo, the particles had done a good job reminding them who Tubbo was and who they were and the important things.  It was slightly annoying, all the things saying something repetitively, but the British boy couldn't be around all the time.  It was the best option for now.

Recently, Ranboo had figured out things about Tubbo's general life. He lives on the farther north side of the village, so the clearing wasn't the nearest route to Ranboo's clearing. Tubbo's dad was also the mayor, Mr. "Tubbo's dad" Underscore.  Tubbo is 5, he does not know his dad's actual first name.

The first thing Ranboo noticed when they woke up that morning; it was cold.  Not the kind of chilly it is early in the morning when Ranboo would get dragged out of the hole in the ground by the particles to watch the sunrise. Not that it was easy to see, being completely surrounded by trees, but Ranboo knew the sky was pretty at that time. Still, it was way colder.

The Ender child had since expanded the square burrow into a full crawl space. It was five of the grass blocks long, three wide, yet only a single one down. Well, other than for two important places; the stash corner and the sleeping area were one extra block down. The stash corner was the child's favorite part. That's where Ranboo kept all the small trinkets and gifts they find around or Tubbo gives to them. Some honorable mentions included... well, there was only two things in there really. It was the iron sword (Yes, they went back for that.  Didn't find the apple though) and a random picture book about loons that Tubbo had left there one day. According to the boy, his dad wanted him to start learning to read, and because Ranboo barely talked, they were the perfect person to listen. Ranboo thought the book, that was called "Little Loon and Papa," was a very nice story. Tubbo had to explain what a "papa" was, though. The kid realized it's something they didn't have.

The entrance to Ranboo's burrow was just an opening in the ground, so you could tell something was wrong. Yeah, right at the entrance there was white, fluffy-looking stuff piled up about six inches tall, which was too tall in Ranboo's opinion.  They looked at it like it was invading their home, which is honestly what they thought it was doing.  The particles sputtered awake as Ranboo crawled out of the sleeping area, which consisted of... a lot of grass.

The white stuff was a lot colder than Ranboo first thought. The child literally just poked it, it didn't have to be so mean. It then did a weird thing (someone please teach them what melting is) and turned to water, burning Ranboo's hand. This sent the tired particles into more of a scramble than they usually were. If Ranboo got hurt, that was their main focus: "how did they get hurt" and "who do we kill?"

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