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Tw: A lot of pain, crying, a bit of vomiting and a panic attack. Yay. (Derogatory)


It was the middle of the night when Ranboo and Tubbo woke up.

In a thunderstorm.

In the pouring rain.

Just their luck, right?

The first thing they felt was a few burning sensations on their face.  It didn't feel like much, and Ranboo was asleep, so they didn't think much of it.  It would happen sometimes, and they would forget about it instantly.

But then it became more noticeable.  And my god, more painful.  It kept increasing rapidly until Ranboo officially woke up, hyperventilating as a bright flash lit up the inky black sky.  The coat-blanket worked to fend off rain to their hands and legs mostly, but not their face.

The pain was so sudden, and hurt like all of hell had thrown up on the 5-year-olds face.  Tubbo had to wake up, right? Are the particles okay? What is happening?!

Too much unknown.

Too damn scary.

Too hard to breathe.

Too hard to even think.

The tears fell, and they fell fast.

It didn't help the burning that was already happening.

Ranboo panicked.

"Ranboo!" Tubbo called out, clearly distressed.

Ranboo pulled at their hair that had gotten longer over the two months. They could barely breathe. They shook uncontrollably. Forming even a one-off word wouldn't work.  They didn't even have the ability to try at this point.

Tubbo called out again, as he was fully wrapped in his sleeping bag to avoid the rain, crying.  The boy needed to find Ranboo, protect them, or do anything!  There was nothing worse than feeling useless to your best friend. All Tubbo could hear with the heavy rain and thunder was the sound of sizzling and muffled sobbing mixed with hyperventilation, with a horrible sounding coughing fits to accompany it. Trusting his ears, the startled goat boy wiggled in the bag over to his crying friend.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" A particle cried.


Iris (32) had a look in her eyes. She looked insane, honestly. Most panicked particles turned to her.

Tubbo's short journey was ended when he bumped into the goal; his friend. Oh. He didn't really have a plan past this. Then, another uh-oh:

Ranboo's dirt home was collapsing.

So, he shoved the two of them.

Ranboo probably threw up, but you wouldn't be able to tell at this point, nor did anyone care. The child felt like doing anything to get the pain away, so if they didn't vomit before, they definitely did this time. It was accompanied by another coughing fit, more tears. Tubbo was also crying, but decided that Ranboo was of more importance at that exact moment.

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