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(Tw: Big sad, helplessness, panic)

It could have been great.

Ranboo could've met the Hound Army.

Ranboo could've formed a friendship with Tommy.

Ranboo could've met George, the male forest nymph that lived in a nearby forest.

Ranboo could've played with stuffed animals in the corner of their shared room with Tommy.

Ranboo could've attempted to bake something with Wilbur in the kitchen.

Ranboo could've been read bedtime stories by Techno.

Ranboo could've told the convoluted stories they made in their head to Phil, and he would laugh joyfully with them.

Ranboo could've listened to music with Tommy and Wilbur.

Ranboo could've become part of the family, for real.

Ranboo could've learned how to more easily handle their overwhelming emotions, identify them.

Ranboo could've witnessed Halloween.

Ranboo could've witnessed Christmas.

Ranboo even could've seen Tubbo one last time.

But, alas, they didn't.


Dream could feel himself gaining the emotional attachment. He knew that if this child was harmed, he would fight.

The angry god forgot every other plan and took the child, the moment they stepped outside. The moment the plan was formed. Techno didn't have time to react.

That was one of the last times Ranboo was seen, shoulder under the hand of a man with a ball for a head. It was stupid, almost, how easily the poor ender kid was whisked away. Their face was full of excitement. They were going to meet the dogs. Live there with them all.

Even, possibly, have a happy life.

It could have been great.

"Dream?" The child asked, looking back and forth. The man in green could be seen opening a jar full of dull, purple particles. The brighter ones rushed to them. It was cold. Super cold. "W-where are we? I-I-I'm cold..."

No response.

"Dream?" Their voice was quieter. They started to breathe quicker, the child was panicking.

They were above clouds. Why were they above clouds? They were supposed to be under them. It didn't make sense. Their adrenaline skyrocketed. Were they breathing okay?

Still, no response from the smiling god.

The particles were saying things. Ranboo couldn't hear them, they wanted answers. Dream wasn't hearing them. They hated everything about this. "DREAM!" Ranboo screamed.


The tears started falling, a sob escaped their throat. "LISTEN TO ME!" They choked out through the sobs. "DREAM I'M RIGHT HERE, WHY AREN'T YOU SAYING ANYTHING?"

Childboo - Dream SMP Ranboo FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now