Chapter 30

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A/N: Hey guys first of all, if you're from India, check out Anirudh's story, he's giving free 3 months premium Spotify so don't miss it. Secondly, many of y'all didn't like the last chapter, I still am not sure why but I hope I can redeem it with this one.

Shekar's household seemed a little sorrowed by what had happened. Vishal and Pugazh try to keep their self busy by traveling out to their various office locations. Chitra ma and Saras ma were left with no choice but to stay home and think about the same thing everyday. How much they wish everything will be fine.

Sivaangi walks in to the kitchen while Saras ma and Chitra ma preparing lunch. They grew suspicious as they found Sivaangi a little happier than yesterday.

"What's cooking ?", Sivaangi asked as she sat on the kitchen counter.

Both of them didn't answer, they didn't even look at her.

"Okay, now what's wrong ?", Sivaangi asked as she noticed they were not okay.

"Why didn't you just go with Ashwin ?", Chitra ma asked.

"You could've lived a happy life rather than being stuck like us", Saras ma added.

Sivaangi smiled and sighed. She got down from the counter and walked near them.

"No one would've been peaceful if that had happened. Not you, not me, not Appa, not Ashwin. I want this family to reunite more than I want my love to win", Sivaangi said.

"Ippo mattum yaare ninmathiya irukka ?", Chitra ma asked.

"I still have faith in him. He will understand why I did what I did. Maybe not today, but one day", Sivaangi said.

"You know you're taking a risk right ? A risk of regretting life long ?", Saras ma asked.

"I know Ashwin more tha you all do", Sivaangi smirked.

Day 1 (of one week)

"Deyy, nee ennada enggeh ponalum enna illuthuthe vaare", Rakshan complained while unloading his luggage.

"One week thaane da, adjust panikko", Ashwin said.

"Adjust nee panikko, naa edhukke pannanum ?", Rakshan asked annoyed.

"Yen na, nee en nanban", Ashwin teased.

Rakshan gave Ashwin a deadly stare while they both walked to Shekar's household for the third time. Previously when they came here, it was only as Sivaangi's home but this time it's different. Everyone here is related to him, his mother is here. His whole perspective changed.

As they entered the house, they are again showered with all the love, nothing changed. Meena ma welcomed them with a huge smile. She doesn't have to hide her emotions anymore.

When Ashwin saw Sivaangi, his heart raced again, like he was seeing her for the first time. Deep down he knew, she's still the person he loves the most. But will be express his feeling and admit that he wants her back ? No. Why ? Because EGO.

"Hi Anna", Sivaangi greeted Rakshan with a huge smile.

She turned to Ashwin and said a simple 'Hi' which he replied with a nod.

'Oh, so he's not even gonna say hi to me now ?', Sivaangi's mind voice said irritated.

Everyone settled at the living room. Chitra ma and Saras ma began talking everything about the past since they don't have to hide anything anymore. They started from the time Meena ma was pregnant to the empty spaces in the pictures. However, their happy moments didn't last long.

Shekar and Suraj entered the house with a grumpy face when they say Ashwin. Even though they had no reason to hate Ashwin, they still couldn't accept him as a member of their family nor a potential Son in law.

Shekar and Suraj's entry didn't suprise the family but the entry of another third person surprised them. More than suprise, they were confused.

Ashwin and Rakshan stood up as Shekar entered the house. Everyone looked at Shekar for an answer to whom this stranger they brought to house is.

Before anyone could even ask the question, Shekar began introducing the stranger.

"This is Adithya, he's the son of one of my friend. Settled in the states", Shekar introduced Abinay. (A/N: as for Adithya's character,I've decided on Dhruv but imagine whoever you'd like to)

"Vanakkam aunty", Adithya fell on their feet for their blessing.

"Nalla irru pa", the moms said awkwardly.

"Yaar da ivan, unakke though kudupan poleh", Rakshan whispered to Aswhin.

Ashwin elbowed Rakshan so he would stop talking.

"Intha thambi inggeh....", Chitra ma asked Shekar hesitantly.

"Adithya naa Sivaangi ke pathurkure mappilai", Shekar said.

Everyone gasped in shock. Ashwin and Rakshan looked at each other with their eyes wide open. He had the urge to just go forward and say that she's mine but his ego wouldn't let him do that.

Meanwhile, Sivaangi just stared at Shekar in complete shock.

"But Appa..", Sivaangi tried to talk to Shekar.

"I know what's right for you", Shekar whispered.

Sivaangi was determined to end this horrible situation now until she saw Ashwin's clearly possessive face. At that right moment, she had the greatest idea. Maybe this is they way to break Ashwin's ego.

"Enna da mappilai ne soldrangeh, nee ethavathu solle da", Rakshan whispered to Aswhin.

Ashwin just gave Adithya a seriously deadly stare as if he would punch him in the face this instance if he doesn't leave. Adithya got a little uncomfortable with Ashwin's threatening look.

"And one more thing, he will be staying with us until he's parents come for the engagement next week", Shekar said.

"Engagement ?", Meena ma asked.

"Sivaangi's engagement", Shekar answered.

Everyone once again gasped in shock.

"Don't you think you're taking a quick decision here. You should ask Sivaangi",Chitra ma said.

"I know what's good for my daughter", Shekar said while looking dead at Ashwin.

Shekar and Suraj then left the place leaving Adithya with the rest of the family. Chitra ma and Saras ma went back to their works while Sivaangi chased after Meena ma who went to her room crying.

Adithya was left with Ashwin and Rakshan.

"Hi bro, neengeh yaare solleve illeh", Adithya forwarded his hand for a handshake. (A/N: ithu unakke theva thaana Adi)

"Yen da, ithukkene flight pudiche varuvingela ?",Rakshan said.

"What are you saying bro", Adithya asked in his American accent.

"Aiyo gaandu ethuraane", Rakshan said annoyed.

"Hi", Ashwin finally replied his handshake while looking dead in his eyes and pressing Adithya's hand too hard. A few more seconds harder it would've broke his bones.

"Bro, what are you doing ? It's painful", Adithya pulled back his hand.

"Innore vaati nee English le pesune", Rakshan said furiously.

"Good luck with your engagement", Ashwin smirked, tapped on Adithya's shoulder and walked away with Rakshan leaving Adithya completely clueless.

To be continued...

A/N: So guys, is this chapter okay ? Please let me know in the comments. Upcoming chapters will contain more conversations between Aswhin and Sivaangi, I promise 🤚

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