Chapter 2

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Sivaangi woke up to the sound of hostel 'mean girls' laughter in the morning. "Ughh, I need to get out from here as soon as possible", she thought to herself as she gets up lazily from her bed. She went straight to the bathroom and tried to open the door, it was locked.

"Kadavuleh, I'm going to be late again", she exclaimed as she began knocking on the door.

Meanwhile, at The Magnolia, Ashwin changes the "CLOSED" sign to "OPEN". Rakshan came behind Ashwin and says,

"Dey, dairy stocks eduthute vareh anna varleyam, nee poi eduthu vanthuriya ?".

"Intha month'eh second time da, marrupadiyum ippadiye nadantha, supplier mathirulam", Ashwin said annoyed.

"Seri seri, you go pick up first, it's getting late", Rakshan said as he walked over to the cash counter.

Ashwin walks to his cars while jiggling the keys. He's in a good mood today it seems. He did some tiny steps as he got in to the car. He drove for 5 minutes and got stuck in traffic. To kill some time, he on the radio.

His eyes roamed around the traffic while waiting for it clear. He sees school children crossing the road, an elderly woman selling flowers, a road side shop serving piping hot idli, but then , his eyes fixed on something , someone, his eyes fixed on a girl wearing white chudi with her hair let down, a laptop bag on her shoulder, she rushed to cross the road before the signal turns green. All of a sudden, the radio starts playing,

Un paarvaiyil vizhuntha naal mudhal
En thunbangal maranthu ponadhu
Un kai viral sera thudikuthu anbe anbe
Un paarvaiyil vizhuntha naal mudhal
En thunbangal maranthu ponadhu
Un kai viral sera thudikuthu anbe anbe

He felt a immense feeling inside that he couldn't explain. He never felt anything like that before. The girl crossed the road and stopped an auto. Ashwin forgot the intention he came for and began following the auto. After about a 10 minutes of following, the auto stopped in front of a tall building.

"SA Solutions", Ashwin said and smiled. He watched her rush inside the building and disappear from his sight. He sat there for awhile smiling wide not understanding what this feeling was.

Kringggggg.....a phone call broke his trance. He startled and answered the phone.

"Deyy , engge da iruke ? Coffee'ke milk illeh da", Rakshan exclaimed on the other side.

"Pchh, sorry da maranthuten", Ashwin replied biting his tongue.

"Ethe ? Maranthutiya?", Rakshan asked.

"Thoo 5 minutes. I'll be there", Ashwin cut the call before Rakshan starts nagging.

Evening at SA Solutions,

"Okay bye Jeeva", Sivaangi says as she packed her bag and left the office.

She had a very tiring day, but she forgot all of that when she saw a red car waiting for her in front the building. She walked fast to the car and opened the back door.

"Thalaiviii, vaangeh vaanghe", Shakthi screamed.

"Enna Sivaangi, neraya work poleye", Sam asked as he began driving.

"Athe vidu, engga porom ?", Sivaangi asked leaning in front.

"To eat only, where else we will go", Shakti answered.

"Ayyy jolly jolly", Sivaangi clapped.

The reached the destination they intended to, they got out from the car.
"The Magnolia", the sign says.

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