As Shoto went off into the kitchen with everyone's plates piled in his hands, looking dejected, Izuku snickered. They waited a minute before going to help because they're a damn good partner.

The rest of the morning was peaceful. They got their UA uniforms on and just relaxed together before heading to school.

Aizawa and Yamada drove, but there wasn't enough room in the car for the 4 teenagers unless they stuffed one in the boot, so they took the train.

On the train the four saw Denki and Kirishima, and went to sit in the free seats near them.

"Oh- what's up mysterybro and their boyfriends!"

Hitoshi fake gasped.

"Is that all I am to you? Their boyfriend?"

The group laughed while Kirishima went bright red.

"No- no I just- I- no of course not Shinbro-"

Denki broke out of his laughing fit and put his hand on Kiri's shoulder, successfully shutting him up.

"Hey- hey babe calm down. The fucker was just messing with you"

Kirishima breathed a sigh of relief, which made them all laugh more.

Well, Neito wasn't really laughing.

He didn't like new people, even with his 'loud' personality. The whole situation was uncomfortable to him, so to avoid it he put his head on Shoto's shoulder and fell asleep.

Sleep is an escape from all of our problems.

Denki started talking excitedly.

"It's the trip today! I'm so excited- you think it's gonna be fun?"

Hitoshi dropped his head onto the back of his seat. He did not have the energy for this enthusiasm this early.

Shoto remained indifferent, kind of just staring at Neito who was asleep on his shoulder with a small, barely noticeable smile on his face.

But Izuku. Izuku engaged in a full conversation. Loudly. At 7am. Earning many a death glares from men who probably worked 9-5 office jobs and were too overworked to deal with this shit.

Eventually the train arrived, and the group got off. Shoto considered just carrying Neito, but realised that would hurt the boys reputation and didn't want to make him mad, so he carefully woke the blond up.

It was only a five minute walk to UA. Neito said goodbye and went to his class.

Half of 1-A was already waiting at the bus. Iida was waving his hands around frantically, organising everyone into a line based on his seating plan.

Izuku took one look at the bus, and a look back at where everyone was stood and sighed, walking up to Iida and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"It's not that type of bus buddy"

As stick-up-his-ass-ish Iida was, the crestfallen look on his face almost made Izuku feel bad.


Instead he snapped a picture and went back over to Hitoshi and Shoto.

10 minutes later, everyone had arrived. Including the staff.

The staff being just Aizawa.

Which Izuku found stupid, and thought there should be more pro heroes but decided not to question it.

"Alright, problem children. Get your asses to the changing rooms and put your hero costumes on so we can go."

The class nodded and separated into male and female, heading to the correct changing rooms.

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