"My bad," Caleb cringes, leaning over to grab the french fry from - not surprising - my cleavage. Or lack of I suppose, considering I haven't been blessed in that area. He eats it too, which really is the most normal thing I have seen from him to date. "Definitely wasn't aiming there."

I sarcastically giggle. "Oh of course not, that wouldn't be very Catholic of you would it?"

He gives me a look at the mention of his religion. What many people don't know about Caleb is that he goes to church every Sunday morning with his family. Clearly, with his track record and all, he isn't very god fearing, but I do like this part about him. It makes me seem a little less brooding and more charismatic, like he has depth to him. Most people wouldn't guess that he'd go to church every week and I love that. There is a lot to Caleb, that people don't know.

"Funny," he points out and I laugh lightly. "I'll remember that when you come on to me-"

"Ahem." Hardin gives him a pointed look as he interrupts what was going to be said.

"What?" Caleb shrugs. "That wasn't part of the rules."

"It is now," declares Hardin. "Rule number four."

Caleb shakes his head and I 'har-har' at him. He gives me a dirty look but matches it with a wink so I let it go.

"Fine," Caleb begrudgingly allows, and slides his plate away from his body. "On to a different topic. Is everyone down for the party at Archie's tonight?"

Hardin immediately gives his confirmation, but I stare at Caleb with a knowing look. He shrugs, as if understanding what I have only relayed in my mind. That if we go to this party, we can either behave like the couple we are, or we can remain what we were a week ago. And to be completely real with myself, I am terrified to come out to our school about the relationship - knowing the role Caleb has played with the other females in attendance. This is something I will need to get over, though, if this is going to work.

Caleb's POV.

My heart speeds up as I watch the girl I love get ready in front of her full length mirror. Hardin is on the bed behind me, distracted by his phone, and I can't take my eyes off of Ensley. She looks fucking stunning in the 90's style jeans and a matching jean jacket. I don't love the cropped tank that she has underneath, but that is only because her tits deliciously poke out the top and her tanned, toned stomach is shown a sliver. I know that every guy at the fucking party is going to be ogling her, but instead of getting jealous I am trying to stay proud. She's a fucking beaut and everyone should know it.

"Is this okay?" She inquires, voice soft and indecisive. I can tell she is unsure by her choice in clothing, not sure how people at the party will see her. She should know how amazing she looks, she has no reason to be worried.

"You look great!" Hardin quips, giddy and excited for the party. "I love the new style."

Ensley giggles, a melody that I could have on repeat for the rest of my life and one that brings a stupid smile to my face. "Thanks, Hardy."

"Anytime, baby cakes," he shoots, winking playfully and pushing my shoulder. I shake my head at him.

"Don't make me knock you out, Iverson," I joke, lightly punching his bicep.

He snorts, smirking at me in a challenging manner. "Last time I checked, I think I nearly knocked you out."

My smile drops and I send him a straight faced stare. Of course he would pick this moment to gloat to Ensley about how he rocked my shit the other night. I'll let him have it, because he is pretty proud of himself, but I know if I hadn't been drinking things could have gone different. Then again, I also didn't want to hurt him, he is my friend after all so drinking didn't have much to do with it.

"What?" Ensley probes, eyeing the both of us, but lingering on me.

"Caleb, here, didn't tell you?" Hardin cups my shoulder, shaking me slightly. Ensley's face shows the answer, she doesn't need to say anything. "I laid a good one on him the other day."

"Why?" She looks horrified and my heart swells. She seems as if she is examining my face as if there will be a noticeable mark now when there wasn't just a few moments ago.

"It was after what happened Wednesday," he explains and I stay silent. "After you told me everything. I went over to his house and just-" que the punching noise, "let one on him. Luckily his dad came and broke it up or else I may have slept him."

Ensley is wide eyed, Hardin is animated and I feel like socking him, but I don't. Yet, I don't change his story because he seems so happy with himself - even though some of it is a lie - and I don't have the heart to destroy that.

"Isn't that right, buddy?" Hardin asks me, giving me a look.

"Yep," I monotone with a nod. "Nearly killed me if my dad hadn't tore him off."

"Wow," she utters, looking shocked. I can tell she believes him and that alone makes me want to laugh and come clean to her.

"Yep," Hardin grins and stands up. "You're welcome by the way. But anywho, we ready to go?"

The both of us agree and Hardin starts heading downstairs towards the car. Ensley goes to follow but I grab her elbow and pull her to me. Her back is to my front, and I am sure she can feel just how turned on I am by her, but I ignore it and put my lips to her ear.

"You look so fucking sexy, baby," I whisper, my voice raspy from trying to hold myself back from ravaging her. Fuck, how bad I want to take her against this wall right now; to have her scream my name as I mercilessly pound into her, giving her an unforgettable experience. Shit. I need to calm down. "The things I want to do to you..."

Her breath is shaky as she exhales. "What's stopping you?"

I chuckle darkly, squeezing her hip. "Hardin's rule."

I can tell she doesn't believe me, but she doesn't question. Instead she turns to me with a smirk on her full lips that are adorned with a soft red color. "Good answer. He may beat your ass again if you break one of his rules."

My smirk drops as hers grows and suddenly Hardin's requests go out the window. She won't be so confident when I am bending her over and spanking her fine ass. She sends me a wink and attempts to walk away once more, but yet again, I halt her movements.

"He didn't beat my ass the first time, baby," I retort gruffly. "You should know better."

And then I send her on her way with a nice pat to the bottom to which she lets out a soft sound. She probably didn't mean to, but fuck, if that didn't just make me ten times more turned on.

It is about to be a long night.


It is getting a little steamy up in this bish ;) just so you all know I read each and everyone of your comments so keep them coming

What do you think? Do you think they will do a good job at not leaving Hardin out? Is it a good idea for them to be going to the party? What is going to happen next? Isn't Caleb just so sexy?!

Don't be a silent reader!!

Enjoy. Love you all <3

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