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“So all of us are just gonna sit here and do nothing?” Rosalie frowned, her legs crossed over each other and her arms folded up into a tight lock over her chest. Her face looked like it always did with the new addition of an agitated glare.

“So Charlie adopted a girl.” Bella sounded sour, a blank look on her face that hid her dangerous thoughts from everyone.

“A very cute girl.” Emmett added, “she looked so sweet and cuddly.” He grinned, though the glare from Rosalie had him shutting his lips tight and a sheepish smile replacing his previous grin.

“What else could we do?” Jasper shrugged, it wasn’t like Charlie was a problem to them anymore. He completely ignores their presence as if they are no longer there and that was fine by him, he would rather have that attitude than the man hounding them.

“Yeah.” Esme sadly nodded, they couldn’t do anything, they couldn’t speak to Aurora because Charlie would surely place a restraining order against them for even bothering her, and they couldn't get close to her because Charlie was always around her.

“A couple of Doctors and Nurses are heading towards the Swan residence to throw a little party for Aurora.” Carlisle smiled, despite the girl not liking them close to her, she was quite a joy to be around so he simply decided to hand his gift to a Nurse since Charlie would never allow him to enter his home.

“Are you not invited?” Bella almost scoffed, she knew for a fact that Carlisle was quite popular in the hospital. The day she first met him he was being stripped by other Nurses and even a few Doctors there, she too was interested in the man but shes the only one that truly knows why she was interested in the man.

“Your father would arrest me if I stepped foot on his property.” Carlisle signed, and Rosalie rolled her eyes.

“He would arrest every single one of us if we stepped a foot on his property.” She didn’t hate the man, in fact she was quite happy that he was this upset over Bella’s death, she wished she had someone that would’ve acted this way if she was harmed, but sadly her past wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine.

“Oh,” Bella just nodded, now she felt even more anger towards Charlie, first he replaced her and now he’s bringing pain and torment onto her new family? Did he ever love her? She loved the Cullens but her father never could love them. Always thought of them as a bad influence and she couldn’t see why. Did her parents really love her, Renee could only do so much but she’s having a baby now, which means Bella would be having a new sibling soon, a half sibling that would now have her mother’s full attention and love.

“She seems pretty normal to me.” Alice pouted, she wanted to be friends with the girl, she had an itching feeling to get to know the girl and it wouldn’t leave her alone. The feeling grows more intense every time she catches a whiff of Aurora.

“Alice, we can’t get involved with her.” Edward almost hissed at her, though the narrowing of Jasper’s eyes had him choking it back. He thought they should set up the girl's death, she was a danger to them, she seemed to be a problem to them and he didn’t want to find out what she was hiding.

“Besides we’re still dealing with the Volturi at the moment.” Edward had to hold back the agitated groan, they were gonna have to speak with the Volturi about Bella's change and he wasn’t ready for that. They had too much on their plate right now and the last thing he needed was to hear Caius laughing in their faces because a human was causing them so much stress.

“I know one thing we aren’t going to do.” Carlisle frowned, “We aren’t going to do anything to the girl.” The room gave mixed feelings, some feeling relief wash over them since they didn’t want to harm the girl in the first place, and another feeling of annoyance because that meant they were sitting ducks until the girl decided to do something first.

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