Dude, we're getting the gang back together!(Part 1)

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Draco was confused.

That pretty much summed up everything that had happened in the last few weeks.

First, Artemis turns out to be a thief, then there was this huge cliché fight between him, Nico and the 'Golden Trio'. And then something even weirder happened, Fowl and di Angelo started getting all chummy again! Whispering, grumbling, laughing, the whole deal! And before that, they showed up in the forest! The Forbidden Forest. Draco felt like banging his head on a desk, preferably someone else's, seeing as he didn't want any dents on his own, but that probably wouldn't earn him a good grade.

Did he mention that he was writing his History  of Magic exam?

He groaned softly, just one more hour of torture and he would be free to go. Around him, Fowl and Granger were scribbling furiously, although while Granger had a crazed, frantic look on her face, Fowl looked cool, calm (seriously, when was that kid ever not calm?) and almost bored. Fowl let out a hugely exaggerated yawn. Scratch that, Fowl was definitely bored. Nico looked like he couldn't care less, Potter looked like he was worried that someone was going to attack him any minute, and Draco couldn't help but feel tempted to jump out at him and shout 'BOO'.  The Weasel was half asleep, and Draco wondered what old Weasley was dreaming of.

Draco wasn't very focused on his exam either, to be honest. How could he be? What idiot had decided that History of Magic would be the last exam? No one (except Granger and Fowl maybe) could focus on what they were doing, and were entertaining daydreams of running through grassy fields in the sunlight, without a care in the world, even though it was sometime in March. What he wouldn't give for a glass of butterbeer right now...

Draco let out a tremendous cheer when Professor Binns finally collected his piece of parchment. He joined the flock of Slytherins fleeing the exam hall as fast as their legs would take them.

"I'm not being paranoid!"

Draco turned around. Artemis Fowl and Nico di Angelo were walking behind him, arguing about something or the other in hushed tones.

Artemis rolled his eyes at Nico, "Nico, no sane person would try to steal the Stone with Dumbledore around."

"You did."

"I said sane Nico. I've never exactly come under the 'sane' category."

"Artemis!" Nico groaned, "This is serious! I just- please, trust me on this one." he pleaded.

Artemis sighed in defeat, "Very well, I'll help with this little scheme of yours. But only because I trust your instincts."

"It's a plan," Nico corrected, "Not a scheme. 'Scheme' makes it sound evil."

"I'm regretting this already."

"Too late for second thoughts Fowl. Meet me outside the Third Corridor tonight. I have a feeling that things are about to get interesting." Nico said with a bone-chilling grin.

"Not to ruin that lovely cliché line, but we share a dormitory. We'll be going together. I won't 'meet you there' as you put it."

"You just can't let me have anything, can you Fowl?"

The duo walked away, still squabbling like children, oblivious to the fact that a certain Draco Malfoy had heard everything.

"Just once," Draco grumbled, "Couldn't people let me in on secrets without me eavesdropping or confronting them? Seriously, people here seem to think that they're that weird muggle detective guy Hemlock Combs or something."

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