Nico realizes that his life CAN get crazier

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Greeting, diverse citizens of Earth! I'm back( A lot earlier that I expected)! I had a million ideas buzzing around in my head today, so I thought that I might as well write them down. Anyway, on with the story!

Nico scowled as he made his way to the throne room. He absolutely despised being summoned by his all-powerful father. It wasn't that he hated Hades, on the contrary, his father was pretty decent for a god. No, it was the fact that he had to be summoned to speak to his own father. The whole kneeling and addressing his father as 'Lord' did nothing except make both Nico and Hades uncomfortable. He wondered what in Tartarus his father could possibly want. Nico knelt at the foot of his father's throne. His father looked even more uncomfortable than usual.

"You summoned me, my Lord?"

Hades fidgeted it his throne, "You may rise. Also, as you may recall, you are my son. You may call me 'father' or 'dad' when we are in private."

Nico stared at his father in shock. The fearsome lord of the underworld was not only asking him to call him dad , but he was trying to make a joke too? What in Tartarus was going on?

"Umm, if you say so?" It came out as more of a question, but Hades seemed to be satisfied.

"Now, I have some business to discuss with you."

Nico sighed. There was always something serious to discuss whenever his father made time for him. No 'Hey! How's life?' or 'How was your day?', it was always straight to business. But Nico felt that he had no right to complain, most demigods never even get to have a conversation with their parent, much less live with them.

"Nico, would you believe me if I told you that wizards and witches exist?"

Nico rolled his eyes, "I'm a demigod son of Hades ,talking to the God of the Dead in the Underworld. So yes, I think that I can believe in wizards and witches."

"Excellent. Well, that makes my job a lot simpler. My son, you are a wizard."

Nico gaped at his father. "You're kidding ,right?"

Hades frowned, "I am the Lord of the Underworld. I do not kid. Besides, as you oh so accurately pointed out before, if Greek Gods can exist, why can't wizards?"

Nico thought about it. As much as he hated to admit it, Hades had a point.

"So you're saying that I'm a wizard? For real? Does this mean that I can wave a wand and make bunnies jump out of hats?"

Hades was not amused. "This is a serious matter! Stop acting like a child. Bianca would have known better than to joke about things like this!", he snapped.

'But I am a child!' ,Nico wanted to yell. But he kept quiet, he knew that yelling at the Lord of the Underworld would not get him anywhere. He had known for quite a while that Bianca was his father's favorite, not that he could blame him. Bianca wouldn't have been stupid enough to fall for Minos' tricks. She wouldn't have tried to break the laws of death.

Once Hades had calmed down enough to address his son without glaring, he continued, "Your mother was also a witch. It's in your blood. You'll find that the di Angelo family is quite well known in the wizarding world."

"Wait, what?"

Hades ignored the question, "I'll let you figure that out on your own. Now, it has been brought to my attention that you do not keep much living company."

Nico scowled, "So? It's not like you spend your time frolicking with living mortals either."

Hades dismissed the accusation, "Perhaps, but I think it is about time you returned to school. You may be a child of the Underworld, but you are still alive. It's about time that you learnt to socialize anyway. I have managed to secure a position for you at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, one of the finest wizarding schools in Europe."

Nico stared at his father in disbelief, "You're telling me, that you're sending me to a wizarding school, in Europe of all places, for Zeus knows how long, and I'm supposed to be okay with it?"

Hades nodded, "Good to see we understand each other. The school is located in Britain and your school year begins on the 1st of September. As for how long, well, the term 'school year' is quite self explanatory. Your school letter includes all your requirements for the year along with your train ticket. I asked one of the guards to put the letter in your room. I'm sure you will find that it can explain things far better than I can."

Realizing that he wouldn't be able to get anything else out of his father for a while, Nico nodded and excused himself from the throne room. Deciding that his father needed to know that he simply couldn't send him away to a boarding school for a year and expect him to like it, he slammed the throne room's huge doors on his way out. Not wanting to have to deal with his father's anger, he ran up to his room and bolted the doors.

                             ______________I'm a line ______________

Hades jumped in shock when his son, in an apparent moment of rebelliousness, had slammed the door behind him. He decided to let it go, after all, the boy had the right to be a bit frustrated. Hades himself was quite annoyed with the fates for making him have to deal with this situation. 

Although he would deny it when asked, Hades did care for his son deep down, and he most certainly did not want the boy to die so soon. He knew that with Kronos rising, his son would be in great danger outside the Underworld, being a child of the Big Three. He also knew that monsters would target Nico as he always seemed to be either alone, or with the dead.

 He started pacing. Should he have told Nico the real reason he was sending him to Europe instead of somewhere in America like Ilvermony?  Should have talked to Nico before he decided to send him to Scotland? Should he have tried to lighten the mood with a few more jokes? He sighed. What's done is done. Nico would go to Hogwarts, where he would be safe from most of the monsters rising in the States, whether he liked it or not. Hades sank back into this throne.

"This parenting gig is hard!"

An Unlikely duo (AF/PJO/HP Crossover)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن