Nico meets his early demise...

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Nico hated his life.

He had risked being exposed as a demigod by shadow-travelling across a lake to escape Poseidon, his slightly less territorial uncle.

And yet, here he was, yelling 'up' at a broom in the middle of a flying lesson, under Madam Hooch's watchful eye.

Nico hadn't met Zeus before, but his father had often ranted about his younger brother in front of him. From what Nico could understand from his father's jumbled up rant in a mixture of English, Greek, Italian and a bunch of other languages that he couldn't identify, Zeus wasn't a very nice guy.

Nico kicked the broom next to him in frustration. Everyone was staring at him in confusion. He was the only one who still hadn't managed to get his broom to jump into his hand. Maybe he could twist this to his advantage.

"Oh no!" he said, trying his hardest to hide his glee, "My broom won't listen to me. What a shame! I guess I'll just have to miss out on this amazing experience."

Madam Hooch narrowed her eyes at him. She stood in front of him and held her hand out . The broom jumped into her hand and she shoved it at him unceremoniously.

"Now that everyone has a broom, let's get started."

Nico stared at the broom in his hand. The broom was vibrating ever so slightly, as though it knew what fate awaited it and was trembling in fear of what was bound to happen.

'Well tough luck buddy' he thought, 'I don't want to do this anymore than you do.'

He listened carefully as Madam Hooch told them how to mount their brooms. He carefully mounted his broom ,trying to imitate the movements of the people around him.

He got onto his broom shakily. He felt like a little kid playing make believe by sitting on a broom and pretending to fly.

"Now, when I blow my whistle, you kick of from the ground hard." Madam Hooch said. "Keep your broom steady, rise a few feet off the ground and come straight back down by leaning forward slightly. On my whistle, one – two – "

Nico felt his broom start wobbling. Suddenly, he shot up in the air. He screamed, his broom was bucking him up and down like a bull at a rodeo. He vaguely noticed people on the ground screaming at him to land.

Nico frantically tried to remember how he was supposed to land this infernal broomstick. Unfortunately, his brain had apparently shut down and left him to die.

Just then, he felt a blast of icy wind(which made no sense since it was a sunny autumn day) push him into a brick tower. He briefly saw Professor McGonagall stare at him in horror as he slammed into rough bricks. And like something from a book, he fell off his broom and plummeted towards the ground.

**********Line Break**********

Artemis watched motionless as Nico fell off his broom. All the other students were desperately trying to avoid getting squished by the falling wizard. But Artemis could tell that Nico wasn't going to fall anywhere near the other students so he remained rooted to the ground in shock.

Nico landed on the ground with a sickening thump that made Artemis wince. Madam Hooch rushed forward and checked his pulse. By now, everyone had started crowding around Nico.

"None of you is to move while I take this boy to the hospital wing! You leave those brooms where they are or you'll be out of Hogwarts before you can say 'Quidditch'." Madam Hooch threatened as she eased Nico onto a stretcher and used her wand to carry it to the hospital wing.

Artemis exchanged a glance with his allies- no, friends. He could tell that they were just as worried about Nico as he was. A loner though he may be, he was still a Slytherin. All the first-year Slytherins had been told by their Prefects on the very first day that Slytherins were supposed to take care of each other, since no one else at school seemed to care about them.

All of a sudden, Draco snatched a small, red, glass ball from a wimpy-looking boy in Gryffindor robes.  A boy Artemis recognized as Harry Potter scowled at Draco

"Give it back Slytherin."

Draco sneered, "And who would you be?"

"Harry Potter"

Draco's smirk melted off his face, "Harry Potter? Well, it seems like we haven't met before. I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy."

Harry just kept glaring at him.

Draco continued unperturbed, "You know Harry, you really shouldn't associate with riff-raff like Weasley over there. You need good friends who can help you out. I can help you there."

He extended a hand, which Harry regarded coldly.

"I think I can choose friends for myself Malfoy."

Draco looked shocked for a minute before quickly regaining his composure.

"If you say so Potter, although you don't seem to be doing a very good job so far."

Harry glared at him, "Just give me back the Remembrall Malfoy!"

Draco smirked, "Why don't you come and get it?"

.When Draco got on his broom despite Madam Hooch's warning, soon followed by Harry Potter, he completely agreed with the bushy haired girl next to him when she said, "What an idiot."

Artemis sighed, "It gets hard being the only voice of reason, doesn't it?"

The girl looked at him in surprise, "You too? Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one in Gryffindor who cares about self-preservation. I'm Hermione, by the way."

Artemis shook her hand, "Artemis Fowl"

Hermione frowned, "I think I've heard of you before. I think it was- "

Just then, Potter dived down and grabbed the ball seconds before it hit the ground. All the Gryffindors crowded around him in joy, except Hermione. Artemis looked at her, feeling rather confused.

"Well? Aren't you going to join them?"

Hermione sighed, "I don't really fit in with the other Gryffindors. They think I'm weird because I want to play by the rules and think things through instead of diving headfirst into danger."

Artemis smiled at her, "It's their loss then. We level-headed people need to stick together, don't we?"

Hermione grinned at him shyly.

"You're in Slytherin, right? Oh who am I kidding? Of course you're in Slytherin! I mean, you're definitely not a Gryffindor. No offense."

By the end of her little rant, her cheeks looked slightly flushed, which he found strange, since it wasn't a very cold day and they weren't exercising, which were usually the causes of red or flushed cheeks.

Artemis shrugged, "None taken".

"Are Slytherins as bad as people say? I mean, you don't seem like a raving maniac."

Artemis grinned, "Are Gryffindors biased idiots? Some of them, perhaps, but not all. Stereotypes are rather inaccurate, don't you think?"

Hermione beamed at him, "I know! It's terrible how everyone- ". Suddenly, Professor McGonagall stormed up to the crowd of students around Harry.

Artemis and Hermione watched as Harry was towed away by a very cross Professor McGonagall. Realizing that it was no use waiting for Madam Hooch when there were only five minutes of class left, most of the Gryffindors started to leave, while most of the Slytherins messed around and laughed about Harry's misfortune.

"Well I'd better go. See you later Artemis!"

Artemis watched her as she ran to catch up with the other first-years in her house. He didn't miss the way everyone avoided her while she walked alone. He shook his head, Gryffindors were odd. Still, Hermione wasn't too bad, for a Gryffindor at least.


Hey there, people of the internet! How's it going? Thank you for reading this! Feel free to tell me if you have any ideas, and I'll try to work them into the story.

-Keera q(≧▽≦q)

An Unlikely duo (AF/PJO/HP Crossover)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant