Trick or Treat! Wait, where's the treat?

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A month of research, homework and arguments flew by. Theodore had finally remembered to ask Nico to hang out, to which he had replied oh so eloquently, "I-uh- who me? Are you sure you're talking to me?"

Nico still preferred to be left alone for the most part, but didn't object when they (read: Theodore) dragged him to participate in 'The Queer Quintet's Quirky Get-together'.

Every time Nico heard him say that...that result of a failed attempt to think of a catchy group name, he would blush in embarrassment. Why? Artemis wasn't sure. Maybe he was embarrassed to be associated with such an odd attempt at alliteration. Artemis definitely was.

Of course, Artemis made sure to say it as much as he could. As much as it pained him to say such an obnoxious sounding phrase, it was definitely worth it to see Nico squirm.

The two of them were on... better terms now. But that didn't mean that they stopped trying to drive each other up the wall.

Soon enough it was Halloween, and the entire school was buzzing with excitement, except two certain 11-year old boys.

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"I don't see why everyone is so excited." Artemis huffed, "It's merely a holiday in honor of pumpkins and skeletons. It makes no logical sense."

Nico scowled, "That's the problem! No Fowl, not the lack of logic. It's been 2 months, get used to it. What I meant was, the fact that it's supposed to celebrate spooky stuff! It's nothing but an insult to skeletons and ghosts, who are just trying to mind their own business. Do you know how annoying it is when mortals see a ghost on Halloween and film it to post online? Honestly! It's an absolute outrage."

By now, everyone at the table had turned to look at him.

"I thought you would like this holiday." Grumbled Theodore. "You're pale and creepy, so are skeletons. You'd think that you would get along fine."

"Oh we do." Nico said before he could stop himself.

'We do? Really di Angelo? Good going' chided a voice in his head that sounded suspiciously like his dad. Could gods invade your head? Maybe his dad was really in his head!

'Dad?' he asked hesitantly, 'you in there?'

Of course, no one replied. He tried to ignore the vague feeling of disappointment. He had probably just imagined it. Why would he even want his dad in his head? They were supposed to be mad at each other!


Nico jumped, startled out of his thoughts which had been interrupted by none other than.... Fowl.(Who else could it be?)

"What is it Fowl?" he snapped.

"You were staring off into space once again. We were asking you if you had heard the rumor about Dumbledore hiring dancing skeletons?"

Nico bristled, "Dancing skeletons? How exactly do people make skeletons dance?"

"Magic di Angelo. It's been two months, get used to it."

Nico felt like shredding up the table, "Making innocent skeletons dance against their will? Does this school have no regard for non-human rights? Mini-Cerberus deserves better!" he declared dramatically, storming out of the hall. He had planned to storm out of the hall like Professor Snape with his robes bellowing, hopefully making the teachers aware of the fact that he did not approve of them keeping a baby hellhound cooped up in a corridor.

Of course he spoiled his dramatic exit by tripping over someone's backpack. He could almost feel Professor Snape's eyes bearing into him in disappointment for messing up one of his standard dramatic exits.

An Unlikely duo (AF/PJO/HP Crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora