...but not really!

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Nico was fairly sure that he was dead.

His body ached like it had been run over by a truck and his head was throbbing for no reason, since he was pretty sure that he hadn't hit his head on the wall.

But despite how much his body ached, his 'death radar' as he had taken to calling it, was telling him that he was, in fact, very much alive. He cracked open his eyes and immediately closed them again. He was surrounded by blinding white walls, which meant that he wasn't in the Slytherin dormitories.

Now that he was prepared for what he would face, he opened his eyes slowly and realized that if the clean white beds and the lady in a nurse's outfit were anything to go by, he was in the school's infirmary.

The lady in the nurse's outfit had apparently noticed that he was awake and stopped him from trying to sit up.

"Well? How are you feeling?"

Nico groaned, "Like I got runover by a truck."

She nodded serenely , "Yes, considering the fact that you crashed into a brick tower and fell to the ground, that is to be expected."

Nico wished he had some ambrosia right about now. But being the idiot he was, he had left it in the dormitory, even though he knew that Zeus would strike him down.

'And yet people call Percy the Seaweed Brain of the group.' He thought wistfully.

The lady(whose name was Madam Pomfrey, according to her name tag) was saying something about him being very hard to heal.

"Nothing works on you! I've had to resort to muggle methods of healing!"

Nico shrugged helplessly. He wasn't quite sure why magical cures didn't work on him. Maybe his godly blood refused to mix with cures that contained wizard magic or something like that? Anyway, he wasn't too hung up about it, he could just use ambrosia and nectar if he got hurt.

After a bit of ranting, Madam Pomfrey left to go check on someone who had apparently tried to curse off her pimples. Realizing that this might be his only chance to escape, Nico tried his hardest to pull himself out of bed without crying out in pain. While Madam Pomfrey was busy chiding the poor girl for her idiocy, Nico somehow managed to creep out of the infirmary. How did he manage this? He wasn't sure. All he knew was that his body felt like it was on fire and it really hurt.

Thankfully, almost everyone was in class and no one noticed him apart from the occasional ghost. A ghost that Nico recognized as Sir Nicholas, the Gryffindor House ghost, floated next to him, looking concerned.

"Are you alright, your majesty?"

Nico blushed, he hated it when ghosts called him that. It made him feel really awkward.

"You know, you can call me Nico. And I'm fine, just a bit, umm, banged up."

Nicholas still looked quite concerned, "Are you sure? You don't look fine."

Nico sighed, "Yes, I'm quite sure that I can manage a short walk to the Slytherin dormitory."

Nicholas looked sceptical, but left.

As it turns out, Nico couldn't manage a short walk to the Slytherin dormitory. He almost tripped several times and he was starting to regret not asking for help. By the time he made it to his bed, he felt like he had walked from England to America without stopping for a break.

By then, he had almost forgotten why he had come here. He rummaged in his trunk for his supplies, hoping that he hadn't lost them. He sighed in relief when he found his ambrosia and nectar right were he had left them. He broke off a small piece of ambrosia and nibbled on it, immediately feeling better. He flopped onto his bed. Hopefully, he wouldn't need to go to class today since he was hurt.

Suddenly a certain Artemis Fowl entered the room, looking like he was in a foul mood. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Nico sitting on his bed. For once in his life, Fowl looked baffled.

"Nico? What are you doing here? You-you fell! You shouldn't be up and about so soon! You shouldn't even be able too! It's logically impossible!"

Nico smirked at the sight of Fowl hyperventilating about the apparent lack of logic in the world.

"It's magic Fowl. Magic isn't logical, get over it."

Before Artemis could start lecturing him about the importance of logic, Nico changed the topic.

"Why are you here? Also, what time is it?"

Artemis scowled, "I have every right to enter the dormitory that we all share di Angelo. And by the way, you missed lunch."

Just then, the door burst open yet again, and Draco Malfoy entered, panting like he had run the whole way.

"Artemis! I'm sorry, okay!"

Artemis scowled at him, "You signed us both up for a Midnight Duel with Potter and his shadow without my permission in our first week of school."

Malfoy had the decency to look ashamed, "I'm sorry! But Potter was asking for it! You saw how rude he was to me after Nico's little accident."

"As I recall, you were the one teasing him."

"That doesn't matter!" he said hastily, "You can't back out Artemis! You're the only one of us who can actually cast a spell!"

Artemis remained calm, "Well then, you should have thought of that before you got yourself in this situation."

Draco looked desperate now, "Please! I'll do your homework for a whole week!"

"Two weeks and I'm in."


Nico was confused, "As amusing as Draco's begging was to watch, why is this duel such a big deal? Couldn't you just say that you've changed your mind?"

Draco looked offended, "I can't do that! I'd look like a wimp. If I don't show up, I'll look like a snitch and a coward."

Nico shrugged, "That makes sense, I guess".

************A few minutes ago***************

Artemis listened as Potter and Draco bickered back and forth. The two had been sworn enemies ever since Harry had rejected Draco's offer to help him make friends, which was 2 hours ago. He should have known that those two wouldn't restrict themselves the verbal taunting.

"Tonight, if you want. Wizard's duel. Wands only – no contact. What's the matter? Never heard of a wizard's duel before, I suppose?''

Artemis groaned, of course Draco would do something stupid and reckless enough to land himself in detention in their first week.

"Of course he has," said Ron, wheeling round. "I'm his second, who's yours?"

Draco looked surprised, obviously he hadn't thought that Potter would agree.

"Umm, uh, Fowl! Yes, Fowl is my second."

Artemis raised an eyebrow, trying to stop himself from banging his head on the table. Of course he would get roped into this madness. They barely knew how to use their wands! What good would they be in a duel?

"Is that so?"

Draco sent him a pleading look. Artemis sighed and decided to leave before he got himself in more trouble.

All in all, Artemis had had a rather terrible day, from seeing one of his classmates crash into a building, then seeing the same student 'chilling' on his bed barely 2 hours later, to getting signed up for a midnight duel.

He could now confirm, without a doubt, that he had terrible luck.

Although, his luck wasn't nearly as bad as Nico's...

An Unlikely duo (AF/PJO/HP Crossover)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora