I'm back, bitches!

Start from the beginning

"Enzo, can I kiss y-

He cut me off by grabbing my chin and kissing my lips.

"You don't even have to ask, baby girl, I'm yours," he replied to me before I reconnected our lips. I was finally able to pull his hair a little as our mouths moved together in sync. He groaned a bit while I moaned. His tongue made its way into my mouth and started exploring as I continued to moan. I bit his bottom lip and slowly released it before breaking the kiss.

"Damn...I missed you!" He let out while panting. I was out of breath as I pecked his lips again and pulled away.
"I've missed you too...I mean I'm sure it was obvious for you to figure that out, though." I said while folding my arms, still out of breath.

He started laughing again then reached down to kiss my forehead.
"Come with me?" he asked or more like ordered, before grabbing my hand and pulling me out into the hallway.

Elijah was about to pass us until he spotted something on me and stopped with a smirk.
"I see you marked your territory, hmm, Capo?" Elijah said before laughing.

I gave a confused look while Enzo laughed and pushed Elijah.

"sì, l'ho fatto, il miglior fottuto territorio che possiedo," Enzo said in Italian. I rolled my eyes after realizing I still don't know what the fuck they're talking about, like what territory?

(Translation: yes, I did, the best fucking territory I own,)

"il tuo territorio ha sicuramente un atteggiamento nei suoi confronti, con gli occhi al cielo, hmm?" Elijah asked Enzo who just stared at me with anger and annoyance.

(Translation: Your* territory sure has an attitude on her, with the eye-rolling, hmm?)

I tried to make out what he was saying but Enzo was too busy staring at me. I did make out the "attitude" and  "eye-rolling" part thou- Oh, I did roll my eyes, didn't I?.....well!

"Elijah, shut the fuck up because Zuri has a bigger attitude than I do!" I yelled at him. He rolled his eyes and looked at Enzo.

"Yeah, she has a huge attitude problem-

I pushed him back and he laughed.

"Good luck, with that one!" Elijah stated before running off. I looked over at Enzo who just grabbed my arm again and finished walking towards the office.

When we got into the office, Enzo walked over to his desk after locking the door. I stood beside him as he sat in his chair.

Mature Audience warning‼️

"On the desk!" He demanded . I looked at him and rolled my eyes again, on purpose.
He stood up, abruptly and picked me up. He swiped everything off of his desk before slamming me on top of it. I was spread out over the desk as he stood between my legs. He tried to rub my thighs through the sweatpants, but it didn't last long before he took them off of me.

I was laying on his desk with just a tank top, bra, and panties on. I had on my baby blue sets because I thought it-

"Why do you keep disrespecting me?" he interrupted my thought as he slapped my thigh, then rubbed it. His hands were moving closer and closer towards my center.
I rolled my eyes at him and let out a breath.

Kidnapped in ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now