Chapter 38 Snow

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Thomas and Daniel spent the whole evening traveling around Blue Moutain to try and find the coal. Up and down all over, talking to the other narrow guage engines, but no avail. They even went to find Luke, one of the Narrow Guage engines. He's a young small green tank engine who works at Blue Moutain.

Thomas and Daniel chugged up to Luke, who was working on the bottom of the incline. A incline, manged by Owen, the incline machine, that brings rocks up and down. Luke was about to haul some away for a larger engine to come get, but then he saw Thomas and Daniel.

"Thomas!" He exclaimed. "Haven't seen you in a while! Oh! And a engine I have never seen before! Who are you?" Luke asked. Daniel smiled. "I'm Daniel! We're looking for coal"

"Coal? Well I think you have come to the wrong place my lad." Luke said.

Thomas sighed, then started to speak up. "He means Muffle Moutain coal" Thomas said.

"Oh... you mean the old tale of how Muffle Moutain coal was stored here?" Luke asked. Thomas blew some steam out. "Yes, how... wait... stored?" Thomas asked.

Luke smiled. "Yeah! Not many people know about that part of the story. The coal didn't come from here. It was stored! Only thing is, we don't know why, or who stored it. We don't even know where it is"

Now, they both had some ideas. But they've been all over Blue Moutain, and didn't see where this coal could be located. Plus, the Narrow Guage engines been all over, you'd expect they'd have seen it already.

And now, it was getting dark.

Thomas was chugging with Daniel behind him. They where both still looking, but Daniel was now getting really tired. So tired, that he started to drift off as he was chugging. He was sleep-chugging

He crashed into the back of Thomas.

"Ow! D-Daniel?" Thomas said. Mark poked his head out, and looked at Daniel, who looked up at Mark standing in Thomas's cab. "Oh- He looks extremely tired-" Mark told Thomas. Thomas sighed. "It is getting really late..." He said. "I'm not tired-" Daniel said, yawning. "You are... we need to rest..." Thomas said as he continued chugging. "Follow me Dan. I'll ask Skarloey if we could crash here for tonight. If you're sleep chugging like that, we won't be able to make it back to Tidmoth safely."

"I guess I'll stay with you two, if you don't mind" Mark said. "I want to get to the bottom of Dark-Blade's plan. I hope Sora won't mind."

Thomas and Daniel arrived back to Skarloey, both looking exhausted.

"Oh... Thomas you look drained..." Skarloey said. "I.. am..." Thomas said yawning. "Yeah, we didn't find anything at all." Mark told him. "And... we probably all need somewhere to sleep. I don't think these two engines will make it back to the sheds without sleeping while they're moving."

Skarloey agreed. "There's a small shed here that can hold small standard tank engines. You both are welcome to sleep here for the night." He said. "Oh, and make sure to keep your fireboxes on, if you can. I heard it'll get really cold tonight"


Thomas and Daniel both puffed into the shed. They had turned around on the turntable, so now they where backwards in the shed. Daniel was so tried, he fell alseep as soon as he chugged the last chuff he could puff out of his funnel. "I guess he was really tried huh?" Mark said. "I guess" Thomas said as he stopped. "If you can, make sure Daniel has some fire in his firebox. I don't want his boiler freezing up, if it's really going to get cold like Skarloey said."

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