Chapter 32 The Game Dimension

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Daniel was very confused. He just got ambushed by what seemed to be the past version of Dark-Blade, and now he's a human again, in what seems to be some kind of dark realm -standing next to a kid around Sean's age, holding some very weird weapon- Since Dark-Blade was knocked out on the ground, the kid, tried to introduce himself.

"Ok, so we don't have a lot of time before he gets up, So I'm just gonna quickly explain some small things; My name is Mark, and-"

Daniel cut him off, by a gasp. "What the? Mark?" Daniel remembered how the dark figure told him about some guy named Mark and how he was gonna vist thier world to defeat some weird creature. "You know me?" Mark asked. Daniel nodded. "Dark-Blade told me about you"

Mark had a confused look on his face. "No... that's impossible, how could he have- of course. His future self! -but- how did his future self reach you? His future self has been training me-"

Daniel tilted his head. "Training you?"

Mark just sighed. "It's a long story. And for me to explain it all, I'll be here all day. Did his future self tell you about the Game Dimension?" Mark asked. Daniel nodded. "He has. What is it really?"

"Well... You have vidoe games at home right?" Mark asked. Daniel nodded. "Yes, a lot. I have a whole stack of games for my PlayBox." Daniel said. "Well... think of the fact, that you could vist that game world." He said. Daniel thouht about visiting Minecraft. Little did he know, that Minecraft also existed in Mark's world aswell. "You mean, I can vist Minecraft?" Daniel asked. Mark looked a little confused. "Minecraft is in your world?" He asked. The 13 year old nodded. "Yes it is! ...Wait..."

Daniel turned around, then put his hands up to his face, rubbing at his chin. "Are you from the game dimension?"

Mark shook his head. "No- Not really-"

"But... I am? That's what Dark-Blade said"

Mark nodded. "You are. You're Daniel Diaz. You're Sean's little brother. You're from a Vidoe Game called Life Is Strange 2"

Daniel looked away. Why did that feel weird to him? 'Am I not real?'

Mark noticed Daniel's look. He tried to comfort him. "I know what you're thinking Daniel." He said. Daniel looked up at him, "You do?" The boy replied. Mark nodded. "The Game Dimension, is just another dimension. Just because it exist as a fictional aspect in another dimension, doesn't mean it isn't real. The term fiction is subjective. Everything fictional, spawns a reality, where you can actually vist it-"

But that didn't make Daniel feel any better. "So... that means my whole life... everything I went trough with Sean... the police...the border... was written by someone? Someone's sick mind... made me who I am?" Daniel felt hurt. He could tell Mark wasn't expecting his response was going to be that. He tried to answer Daniel, but couldn't.

Daniel just sat on the ground, and coverd his eyes. He started to cry.

Mark felt bad for him. He really did. If Mark has ever played Daniel's game, he would know the hell Daniel and his brother went through. Daniel needed space, but Mark sat next to him. "I know it's hard to accept that. I... I would be scared to of I found out I was someone's fictional character. Like... some oc in some fanfiction. But... you have an opening... to other worlds now. When I... well, Dark-Blade, accidentally opened the gateway to the Game Dimension, it created a hub named the Video Game Hallway, where there are doors... left and right of the hallway, that leads to different worlds....." Mark sighed before continuing. "You're...still not running from the police are you?" Mark asked.

Daniel looked up from his hands, and looked directly at Mark. "Yes... I am. We both are, Sean and me. We both got caught again. And we both escaped, and for 3 years we've been saying with my grandparents." Daniel told him, with some tears dropping down from his eyes. He looked up at Mark, and saw that Mark looked a little confused. "Something wrong?"

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