Chapter 36 Explaining To Thomas

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Thomas and Mark where both wating for Daniel to return, and they still had a lifeless Lady in thier presence. Thomas sofly wheeshed some steam out of his pistons as they waited. For Daniel, and for Lady to come to life. "How... Long was she in there?" Thomas asked. Mark was sitting on Thomas's front, near his buffers. He shrugged, unsure of what to say. "The last time, her face came on when she entered Sodor... why is it not working now-" Thomas huffed sadly. "She would probably know what is happening with the magic buffers, and why it connects to Daniel, and not Shining Time" He said.

Lady was a small little tank engine. Her basis his unknown. It's pretty much known that she is a fully custom made engine, but no one knows who built her. All the engines just know how she's the magical engine, from beyond the buffers. She's not even really from Shining Time. She's from the buffers it's self

"Hey, Mark. You... Seemed to know a lot about me... How do you?" Thomas asked. Mark blinked. He didn't know how to respond to Thomas without sounding strange. But he knows it's good to tell the truth. "Um.. Thomas... it's a bit strange..." Mark said, turning around, looking up at Thomas's face. Thomas looked down, then chuckled. "Cinders and ashes, we're infront of a magical engine, how would what you're gonna say, be more strange than this?"

Mark chuckled. "Oh, you'd be surprised."

Mark sighed. "Ok... So, just like Daniel, I'm from another world"

Thomas gasped. "Another world? Wow... what... where is it? Are you from the buffers as well?" He asked. Mark shook his head. "Not exactly Thomas. I'm from a separate Dimension. I used to call it, "The Real Dimension" but then I soon realized that's not true. All the Dimensions I've been to are real. Your world, is a basically a pocket universe, that's located in this Dimension, known as the 'Fictional Dimension'." Mark explained. He looked up at Thomas again, and saw that Thomas was making a confused face. "Fictional?" Thomas asked.

Mark sighed. "Don't let that get to you. It's not 'Fictional' so to speak. You exist... same as me and Daniel. Your dimension was influenced by mine, because someone created something in my universe. A book series, known as the Railway Series. Then, a TV series. When something gets created like this, it spawns a reality where that said creation, exists" Mark explained. Thomas looked at Mark, then around. "That.... is something..." He said. Mark looked down. He wasn't sure if he explained himself good enough. A lot of people of these dimensions, freak out when they think they're not 'real' but that isn't the case. All Dimensions, no matter what they are, truly exists. Even if it's based on something fictional.

"So... is Daniel apart of this thing too?" Thomas asked. Mark nodded. "Yes. The Fictional Dimension has a few branches. Two known ones what I know of, are the TVshow/Movie Dimension, and the Game Dimension.... but- I have no idea how you are in the Game Dimension's Video Game Hallway. I have yet to see any hallway, or passage of my movies or shows" Mark said rubbing his chin. "When Sora and the rest went to collect those gems.....I don't remember them saying they went into any movies or anything-"

Thomas didn't understand what Mark was talking about. "Gems? What gems?"

"Oh, nothing. It's... a long story" Mark said.

"If... Daniel is apart of this, how did I meet him?" Thomas asked. "The dark thing. Dark-Blade." Mark told him.

"Dark-Blade?" Thomas asked. "Wait... are you talking about this... creature that has some rather strange dark mist that coats his body?" Thomas asked. Mark nodded, and looked up at Thomas with his eyes wide a little. "You seen him too?! I remember Daniel saidmhe mashed your dimension with his, but I had no idea you possibly had seen him!"

"I didn't even knew it had a name. Dark-Blade? I just called if the 'The Dark Figure'." Thomas said. Mark chuckled. "Yeah, that's what most of us call it."

"Is it dangerous? Because... he seems like he can drain powers..." Thomas said. "He tried to hurt Daniel"

"Yeah it does that. Me and my friends back in another world has been trying to get to the bottom of it. We're trying to see what he is, and where it came from. He possibly couldn't be from my world" Mark said.

Just then, they a series of whsitles. And ton of whistles where echoing through the air. "That's... Daniel's whsitle!" Thomas exclaimed. He chugged backwards. "Woah Thomas-!" Mark yelled. Thomas slowly stopped. "Oh! I'm sorry-" Thomas apologized as he remembered that Mark was sitting on the front of him. Mark hopped off as soon as Thomas stopped. "It's ok Thomas"

Then they saw that behind the buffers, on the mainline, came Daniel with the engine that helped Chris. "Daniel, Chris!" Thomas said smiling. Daniel smiled back. "Thomas! Chris is alright!"

Daniel chugged next to Thomas, and the engine pulling Chris on the flat bed continued down the line. They where bringing him to the Steamworks.

"What even happened-" Thomas asked. "We... had a small accident" Daniel said. "But don't worry, I'm doing ok! I know you have like, this huge crush on me, so don't over worry yourself about me" Daniel said with a giggle.

Thomas's face went read as he looked down bashful. He coughed, then looked at Mark. He grunted when he saw Mark laughing at him. "Thomas, your face is more red than James's paint work" Daniel joked.

"Oh, shut up-" Thomas grunted as he blew steam out his funnel.

Daniel giggled as he turned his eyes, and looked at Lady. "So...what's the deal with her? Is... there anyway to start her?" Daniel asked. Thomas didn't know. Maybe she needed coal. "Maybe she needs coal... wait... oh no..." Thomas said.

"Oh no? Why oh no?" Daniel asked.

"Coal... she needs Muffle Moutain coal-" Thomas said. "Um... why is that a problem?" Mark asked. "Muffle Moutain coal, is magical. It's not in Sodor, it's in Shining Time!"

Daniel blinked. "Crap... didn't you say she's from Shining Time? The buffers link to my world..."

"Exactly" Thomas said with a sigh. "Are you sure that coal is no where on Sodor?" Daniel asked.

"I don't know... I remember the Narrow Guage engines talking about coal in Blue Moutain Quarry...."

"Well, lets go there" Daniel said. "Wait..." He said realizing what Thomas said. "Narrow Guage?! Woah! Never met them before yet!"

"Wait..." Mark said. "Coal? In a Quarry?"

Now Thomas realized that sounded stupid.

"I don't know... I just remember them saying it was up there. Blue Mountain strange sometimes"

Daniel was already starting. "Last one there is has to kiss me" He chugged away.

"I'm not doing that-" Mark said. "Maybe Thomas will"

Daniel laughed.

Thomas just blushed and reversed out of the yard. "Hey, wait for me!" Mark said running to Thomas to get into his cab. "Daniel, wait up!" Thomas yelled out as he quickly reversed. Mark was able to get to Thomas's cab just in time. The blue tank engine's wheels clanked along the rails, but he didn't see that there was danger behind him. He couldn't see behind him, and crashed right into the buffers. "OOOOF!" Thomas grunted as his back buffers collided with bumpers, causing him to shake on the track, and some of his  coal spilled out of his bunker. Mark fell over in his cab.

"Mark, are you ok?!" Thomas called out. There was some rustling sounds. "Yeah... I'm fine-" Mark groaned.

Daniel had seen Thomas's rear end slam into the buffers, and he couldn't help but laugh at him. Thomas felt bashful al of a sudden. "Hey, stop laughing at me!" He yelled. But that didn't stop Daniel.

"Your face when you bumped into the buffers!" Daniel giggled. "That was priceless!"

Thomas rolled his eyes. "Why did you pull off so quickly, you don't even know where Blue Moutain Quarry is!" He said. Daniel blinked. "Ohhh... right..."

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