On My Way

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Percy POV

           I grabbed Annabeth's cap. I felt the pain in my chest spread. I clutched my chest and walked to the stables.

"Hey, Blackjack." I found my way to Blackjack. It wasn't that hard. To me, each horse has its own different... feeling? I'm not sure how to explain it.

"Hey boss!" Blackjack neighed.

"Told you not to called me boss!" I placed my hands on my hips.

"Whatever you say, boss.

I sighed. Blackjack really never changes.

"Alright buddy, can you get me to Mount Orthys?" I asked.

"Why do you want to go there? Atlas is evil."

"Yeah I know that, but there someone there I need to rescue."

"Fine, then. But can I have a doughnut?"

That one took me for a second. I'm not entirely sure I'd make it back.

"Ask Orion for one when you come back. Tell him he owes you one." I smiled.

"Alright, then, boss. Hop on!"

"Thanks buddy." I smiled and hopped on.

           When I got there, I let Blackjack go back and I trudged up the mountain side and sensed a dragon starting towards me. I growled pushed the dragon back with the water vapour. Smirking to myself I felt the dragon backing up. I bought myself enough time to run up the mountain. It was a long, tedious journey, but I managed it.

           Apparently, the muses weren't home. That's good. I ran up to the top and panted for a few minutes. After that, I turned to face an area before me. I set out my senses and went on high alert. I sensed Artemis's aura. It was weak.

          I rushed towards her. Then, something large blocked me. It was Atlas.

-Orion POV

         I woke up early the next morning in Poseidon's cabin (the hunters didn't want me and Percy there, which is understandable). I rolled over and made myself get off the bed. 

"Hey Perce! Rise and shine!" I yelled. I liked waking Percy up because it warms me up for my day. Yep. Percy almost always fought with whoever wakes him up unless he woke up on his own. He fights well too, and almost always beats me.

         This time though, no reply came through.

"Percy?" I said again.

Still, no reply.

"Hey, Pierce, did you see Percy?" I asked Pierce, who  just stepped out of the shower.

"No. Why? Is he missing?" Pierce replied worriedly.

"Yeah. I'm gonna go outside and check where he is."

         I hurried outside after I changed (of course) and I checked if he was at the stables. To my surprise, Blackjack wasn't there. I glanced up and caught the sight of Blackjack coming back.

"Alright, Blackjack. Where'd Percy go?"

"Oh hey, Orion. Have any doughnut? Percy said you owe me some. As to your question, Percy went to rescue Artemis!" Blackjack munched happily on te doughnut I have for him.


"Can you take me and a couple of the hunters there?"

"How much hunters?"

"Around fifteen."

"Well, I mean, the other pegasi are here too. They'll take one or two."

"Alright. Thanks, Blackjack. I'll give you a doughnut when I get back.

          Blackjack neighed and I went to get the hunters.

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