Believe Me, They Don't Need A Guardian

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Percy POV

So, Loki and Sylvie were training me again. I mean, I'm really grateful for it, but I'm pretty sure they've already taught me everything I need to keep myself alive. So far, I've learned how to sneak up on someone, how to keep my senses out for a long time, how to climb a tree (though it'd be useless unless I was chased by wolves) and how to keep my balance on thin, slippery/ and or bumpy roads. That includes: logs, bridges, monkey bars... etc. Monkey bars are a bit harder.

Anyways, me and Loki were just talking on the beach when we decided to spar. I was just about to land a blow on Loki's stomach when I felt a warm, hazy wind circulating around me and my body turning into air.

I faintly heard Loki yelling,"Percy?" questioningly. I felt myself re-solidify at somewhere warm. I steadied Riptide until I heard-

"Percy?" the voice of my father sounded.

"Father." I acknowledged.

"Percy, what happened to your eyes?" my father asked in concern.

I heard a swoosh and a splash and sensed someone walking towards me. I felt someone touching the fabric on my face (Loki made it for me when my eyes were sacrificed). I slapped the hand away.

"Percy?" my father's voice sounded so close.

"You brought me here, and now tell me what you need me for." I growled.

"Well, Perseus, I want you to be the Guardian of the Hunt. While I do not want one of Poseidon's brat to look after Artemis, I have no better choice." a powerful yet arrogant voice boomed.

"No." my voice said in synch with a feminine voice. I was too shocked to even bother correcting Zeus.

"They are fine without another guardian." Artemis said in a cold voice.

"And I have no wish to die." I bowed politely.

"You have no choice. I, Zeus, announce Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, Guardian of the Hunt."

"It's 'Percy'!" I tapped my feet impatiently.

"Fine! 'Percy' then! And Artemis, you will have him as your guardian." Zeus grumbled.

"No." Artemis huffed.

"Then I shall turn you into a mortal."


"Then I shall give you immortality." Zeus boomed at me.

"No. I don't want immortality."

"Partial immortality then. It's either that or immortality." Zeus yelled.

"Partially then." I decided.

I felt a beam of Zeus's power shot into me. I groaned and doubted over with pain.

"There. Now, go with Artemis to the hunt." Zeus ordered.

"Wait! First, I want Apollo to check on my son's eyes." my father halted me.

"Did someone call me?" a joyful voice laughed.

"Yes. Apollo, go fix my son's eyes." Poseidon ordered.

A warm feeling filled my empty eye-sockets. For a hopeful moment, I thought I might see again. But then, as quickly as it came, the feeling died out and I still couldn't see.

"Sorry, uncle. I'm healer, not a maker. I can only fix physical and mental health, but I can't make an eye, or an arm out of thin air. I mean, the arm might work, but the eyes won't because they aren't connected to the victim's brain." Apollo apologized.

"You mean his eyes are... gone?"

"Yeah. I've got work to do now. See ya, Perce!" Apollo grinned... or what I could imagine from his voice.

"Well, male, I guess I gotta take you to the hunt then." Artemis snarled then whispered in my ears, "Don't expect them to like you. I have no grudge against you, but the hunters, they hate males."

Then, from that totally-not-a-warning talk, we were enveloped in a warm wind. The next thing I knew was a girl walking towards me.


"Thals." I grinned.

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