It's OK To Cry... Or Brawl

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Narrator POV

         Back on Olympus, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades were bickering. Hera was discussing a serious issue with Demeter: cereal. Hera said that she thinks cereals are useless and Demeter was shrieking at her. Apollo and Hermes were planning their next prank on Aphrodite's make-ups. 

         Speaking of Aphrodite, she was trying desperately to have Athena try make-up. Meanwhile, Hephaestus was taking a machine apart then piecing it together, again and again, while arguing with Ares about Aphrodite. Only Dionysus, Hestia and Artemis were absent to miss the fun.

So yeah, it was just another normal day on Olympus. 

"Hey, Hades, if you got turned into a mortal and then you died, then where would you go?" Poseidon asked curiously.

"I never thought about it." Hades admitted.

"Enough!" Zeus boomed and everyone stared. "Hephaestus, you called this meeting. What do you have to tell us?"

"Well, I made this machine." he held up the gadget he was toying with. "I want to show everyone how it works. Is Artemis still not here yet?" he frowned.

"She won't be able to come because of some... ah... difficulties." Apollo grinned.

"Actually, I just remembered I have some work down in the Underworld. Excuse me for leaving, but it's an urgent business. I hope you wouldn't mind." Hades said politely as he flashed back into the Underworld.

"Alright then. I suppose it wouldn't make a difference anyways. So! As I was saying, I made a machine." Hephaestus held up his new invention proudly.

         The machine looked like a box made of copper. It had a lever on the left side and a glass shield on the front.

"And? Don't tell me gathered us here just to show us a box. I have more important business to attend to... like scrolling through Spotify!" Apollo crossed his arm with fake anger.

"Well, it's a new invention that turns something big into something small! Like this!" Hephaestus explained.

        Hephaestus pulled the lever and a blinding light filled the room. When flash dimmed, the seated immortals found themselves a bit too small to fit on their thrones. In fact, they were the size of mortals! Hephaestus looked around, confused. Zeus tried to grow back into his usual size, but discovered he can't.

He growled in fustration.

"Hephaestus, what did you do?"

"I-I don't know! It work perfectly fine before!" Hephaestus wailed.

"Whatever. How do we get down now?" Poseidon groaned. The fact that they were turned into mortals slapped the Olympians hard in the face.

Hestia chose that wonderful moment to walk in.

"Sorry I was- oh my! What happened?" Hestia glanced up and gasped.

"Hephaestus is what happened." Athena growled.

"I bet I can get down before you can!" Hermes yelled at Apollo.

"Don't be so sure, Shoe Face!" Apollo laughed as he slid off and onto the ground from his now-too big throne.

"Oh yeah? That's the best you've got?" Hermes taunted as he did a flip off his throne. That would've been impressive if only he didn't land on his face.

Hermes groaned.

"HAH! TOLD YA! Now, hand it over." Apollo laughed gleefully.

Unwillingly, Hermes handed over the sack of drachmas.

"Hestia, turn us back." Zeus ordered.

"Oh no. I want you guys to experience the life of a demigod first." Hestia smiled slyly.

"What do you mean? We'll be going to Camp Half-Blood?"Poseidon inquired.

"Not exactly. You see, you guys will be too lazy at Camp Half-Blood! I have a better idea. I'm taking you guys to the Hunters of Artemis!" Hestia replied.

"What about me? I've already been Lester before! Can I be turned back?" Apollo said hopefully.

"Nope. I'll admit, you were better after your trials, but it wouldn't be fair to the others." 

Apollo groaned.

"Well, good luck to you guys!" Hestia wished them good luck as she teleported them to Artemis in a flash of golden light.

Hunters of Artemis (Percy Jackson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora