A Trade Offer

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Narrator POV

Artemis and the hunters she has with her jogged to the entrance. It was pretty obvious, the entrance, because the door was a giant boulder, guarded by two guards. Atremis and the hunters crouched down, but the guards heard them anyways.

"Who's there?" a guard called out.

Artemis glared at Atlanta, who fell down because she slipped, and sighed and walked out.

"It is I, Artemis of the moon." Artemis stepped out.

"Ah, lady Artemis. Master is waiting for you on the mountain. Let us lead you to him." the other guard bowed.

And so, the guards led Artemis and the hunters to the top of the mountain and found Atlas, who was trapped under the sky, grinning.

"What do you want, Atlas?" Artemis asked.

"And I thought you didn't care about Perseus! I had my doubts to capture Perseus, but now I'm sure! Now, don't you want to save your dear Perseus?" Atlas grinned.

"Who do you work for? And where is he?" Artemis summoned her bow.

"Carry the sky for me, Artemis. Then, I shall lead your hunters to Perseus then you can take him back." Atlas said slyly.

Atlanta widened her eyes.

"No, lady, you can't do this! Forget Percy. Forget Atlas, let's go back-"

"Do you want to save him or not?" Atlas asked impatiently.

"I'll do it." Artemis decided.

"No! Lady, let me-"

"Nope! It's only Artemis or else Percy will die!" Atlas informed.

"Don't worry, Thalia. I'll be fine." Artemis assured her.

Then, Artemis glared at Atlas as if to say 'Don't make me regret this or else' and crouched under the burden. Atlas dropped the weight of the sky, almost crushing Artemis in the proccess, and crawled out from under. He stretched his arms and shoulders before finally ready to lead.

"Alright, hunters. Follow me!" Atlas chuckled. Thalia and Phoebe glanced at each other before mentioning for the others to follow them.

Atlas and the hunters walked down a pathway inside the moutain. It was dark, damp and gloomy in there. Bats flew around, chattering to each other casually. As they walked closer and closer to the ground, Thalia could see a red light glowing.

She gasped when they finally got down.

It was Percy, unconcsious.

"Now, stand back. I need to bargin with you." Atlas ordered.

Uneasily and unwillingly, the hunters stepped back.

Defyning silence screamed for the longest ten seconds.

"Tell me where the island is!" Atlas commanded, breaking the slience as he placed his sword behind Percy's back.

Confusion rippled through the hunters and they began muttering to themselves.


"You know, the island that Perseus has!" Atlas spoke louder.

"I don't know! He didn't tell me!" Thalia wailed.

"TELL ME! I KNOW HE TOLD YOU!" Atlas thundered.


Atlas growled in fustration and pushed the rest of the sword into Percy.

"NO!" Thalia screamed.

They didn't come all this way just to lose another friend. They aren't coming all this way just to loose another friend.

In the perfect moment, Orion, along with Nico, the rest of the Seven burst into the room just as Atlas stabbed Percy. Both hunters and demigods alike charged at Atlas.

"GUARDS!" Atlas screamed as some of his ichor made a waterfall on the back of his knee.

Guards came running into the cave and stumbled when they saw who they were supposed to fight.

Nonetheless, they charged into battle.

Jason, Nico and Hazel sliced their way as Frank turned into a arrow-shooting grizzely. Leo was on fire and Piper was yelling strange commands.

"Turn left! Bonk your heads! Kill yourself! Atlas is a bug!"

Even Atlas was stunned for a moment and tried to crawl on all fours before regaining his own mind.

"Gahhh!" Atlas cried and tried to swat away the hunters. Atlanta got swatted into a pile of rocks and a few other hunters hit the walls.

"NO!" Thalia yelled. "Atlanta! Phoebe now!" Thalia shouted. Phoebe gave a nod and tried to distract Atlas. While Atlas was distracted, Thalia stabbed him in the heart.

"Next time, hunter." Atlas sneered and then disappeared in a cloud of green mist.

'Was that normal?" Thalia wondered, but hurried to get Percy out. Boy was the stuff sticky.

Jason air travelled him, Thalia and the hunters back to camp and Frank turned into a dragon, flying the rest of the hunters and a few demigods to camp and Nico shadow travelled the rest to camp.

"MEDIC!" Jason yelled as soon as he materialized.

Hunters of Artemis (Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now