*Hint Hint

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Narrator POV

             Thalia took a group of hunters and took them back into the woods where Percy was last seen. 

"Alright, guys. If either of you see any clues, report to me immediately. After two hours, go back to camp and meet me at the border there." Thalia ordered.


           Atlanta headed for the trees. She glanced down and noticed a slip of paper. She picked it up gingerly and read quietly to herself. It said:

'Atlas's lair- Under Mount Othrys. 13. Friday. Or else the boy dies.'

          It's Monday today, which means there's still three days until then. 'But he's a male.' Atlanta thought to herself. 'He's a boy. He doesn't need saving. Males are all heart breakers anyways.'

         So, Atlanta pocketed the slip of paper and checked the time. There was still forty minutes left. She paced back and forth.

          Meanwhile, Thalia was actually trying to look for clues. She didn't find anything though, before the two hours were up. She walk back to camp, sighing. She had really hoped to find something.

"Alright. Anyone find anything?" Thalia asked.

Everyone, including Atlanta, shook their head.

"Fine. I'll report to lady immediately." Thalia sighed.

         Atlanta felt horrible, but it was their own good. Percy was just like any other male. What's so different about him? Plus, if it weren't for him, Zoe wouldn't have been dead. Or so she thought. 

        Thalia walked to Artemis's tent with heavy steps. 

"Come in." Artemis called out. "Any luck?"

Thalia shook her head.

"We'll have to ask for some clues then. Does anyone else know anything about where Percy could've been?"

"I don't know." Thalia admitted. "But we could ask Orion. He and Percy got along the best here- besides Pierce always following Percy around." 

"Alright then. You may go question our guests and Orion." Artemis nodded.

"Thank you, m'ilady." Thalia tried for a smile then walked out to question a few people.

        Artemis rubbed her temples. Whoever had kidnapped Percy had done a good job. She now only hope for him be be alive until they find him.

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