7: Arrest

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~~ 1 month later ~~

Mikayla's pov:

I walked to the cafeteria of our base. Annabeth Chase was allowed to stay, since she knew Percy, much to my dislike. 

"Hello, Mikayla," Braeden said hesitantly,

"What's wrong?" I asked, he has never acted this way toward me.

"Uh, I better get going," he said and walked off. What's going on?

"Mikayla Souser?" I heard a voice behind me, I turned around and saw Agent Road,

"Agent Road, how may I be a assist?" I asked,

"Well, I wanted to ask, do you know where the Head Agent is going?" she asked looking around cautiously,

"Yes, do you know where Agent Jackson is?" I asked, confused why he was nowhere to be seen. She looked around, almost in fear,

"You didn't hear? Evidence has been found that he's a terrorist. He's working with the terrorists," she whispered,

"What? Impossible, he would never! He's loyal to America!" I answered, luckily no one looked at us,

"there's video footage of him training a few terrorist trainees and working with them -- I mean killing." She said quietly,

"What?" I asked in disbelief, "show it to me!" She nodded and quickly walked out of the cafeteria, motioning for me to follow. She led me to one of the office rooms. 

She turned on the laptop and took out the footage of yesterday.

There he was. Training the trainees of the terrorists to use a gun. She turned on another video,

"this is some news, Jackson," a hooded man said,

"Indeed. The Americans were fools to think I'd side with them," Percy answered, looking at the camera for a split second, "every five day cycle, the first day. This might be the best possibility to capture them. This is for the my team, to gather a lot of information as possible. Could use code."

"Yes, good. I'm pleased with your training. We will win this war." the other man says.

"Impossible," I stuttered, "I -- he's not working with them. There has to be a reason why he's with them! Maybe he's forced,"

"Yeah, about that...you're going to be taken in for questioning, since you knew him the best," Agent Road said, stroking a stand of hair behind her ear. 

"What?" I asked, shocked. Two agents came in,

"Agent Souser, you are under arrest. We're taking you in for interrogation," they said. Knowing that fighting against it would be useless and would dig my hole deeper, I let them put handcuffs on me.

"This is a mistake!" I shouted, but no one listened. 

They brought me to a small room, where I'd be interrogated to no end.

"Percy, why?"

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Sorry for short chapter!

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