4: First Mission

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Percy's pov:

For my whole training, I've fully learned what the mission of the FBI is.

The mission of the FBI is to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

I actually memorized it.

(if you want me to write his training, them comment on this chapter. Preferably on this line, but anywhere is fine.)

I'm gonna have my first mission today. It's a small one, I'll be detaining a supposed criminal for interrogation. 

Hopefully she doesn't pick a fight. I've been told that the people don't take kindly when FBI agents come to your door and arrest someone.

I smiled at the thought.

I walked out of the car with Mikayla. 

I noticed 5 men looking at us defensively immediately, but Mikayla nodded at me to continue.

I walked up to the house 47, and knocked. A women in her 50's opened up, and she quickly started spluttering things like 'I've done nothing,', 'I am clean of criminal records,', 'I don't kill', 'why are you here,'. I held up my hands in a goal post,

"We're not here for you, ma'am. Uh," I looked at Mikayla, "We are the FBI, I'm Special Agent Percy Jackson and this is my college, Special Agent Mikayla Souser," I said, "we've been informed that Jeremy Hobbs has been in your house?" I asked,

"He's done nothing wrong, he's --" She started,

"No, no! We want to arrest him for abuse, rape, and a criminal record and interrogate him. If he is found innocent, he will out of the FBI center in zap," I said, she looked at us skeptically but let us in.

It was still light outside, so no lamps were on. That would make it creepier. 

She gave us directions to where Mr. Hobbs was and we walked into a room with a sofa, work table, bed table and tv, along with a dresser. He was sleeping on the sofa.

"Jeremy Hobbs, this is the FBI, we've been informed of your actions in the past few months. You are under arrest!" I said, making him jolt awake,

"W-what? I-I've d-d-d-on-done n-nothing!" He stuttered taking a glass of alcohol in his hands.

"I repeat! This is the FBI! Come peacefully or we will use force!" I repeated, as Mikayla took out her gun protectively in case he made a move.

"W-why?" He asked, lowering the glass bottle just a little,

"Interrogation. You've been suspected for abuse, rape and murder, along with a few kidnapping incidents." I replied calmly, but putting authority in my voice, as Agent Hector taught me.

"I didn't do any of those things! I was framed!" He stressed, fear in his voice,

"We understand that framing is a possibility, but because you were there we need to get information to stop such instances in the future, Mr. Hobbs. I recommend you to come with us peacefully, because if you show aggression, you will keep yourself near the FBI for longer. Last Chance!" Mikayla called, he quickly put down his bottle on the table.

"Get on your knees and put your hands in behind your back!" I ordered, giving him a stern look. He obliged, luckily.

I hand-cuffed him and led him out of the house, but not without having the lady from before fussing on us.

We walked out calmly, thanking the lady and walked out toward out car, only to be followed by a mob of angry men and women, shouting about rights and how evil we are.

"Calm down!" I shouted over their voices, making them quiet down a little, before starting to scream again. I shoved Mr. Hobbs into the back seat and we quickly drove off. Or, well, as quickly as having a mob or people around you allowed.

----Back at the station----

We walked into Agent Hector's office after dropping off Mr. Hobbs.

"Great work, Agent Jackson, you too Agent Souser." He nodded at us, "We hope to be able to trust you with more serious arrests and missions for you in the future. Thank you." He said, and we both walked out.

"Good job, Perce!" Mikayla said cheerily, "This is your new life. Training's paying off, I see."

Thank you for reading!

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