Chapter 10: "Fake" Part 2

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"I am friend."
The creature standing near Wendy had uttered those words only a few moments ago. Wendy turned to face it, examining it in what little light there was in the labyrinth.
It seemed to be female. She couldn't have been much older than Lisanna. The creature wore a dress that might have been a grand gown at one time, but was now hardly more than faded and tattered rags. Long, tangled, violet hair tumbled past her shoulders and came to a stop at her hips. Wendy looked into her cerulean eyes and knew right away that she was not like the creature that had attempted to kill her. Whoever this was, she was intelligent. Wendy would have considered her to be a human if it weren't for one thing.
Her horns. The girl standing in front of her had dark, spiraling horns that looked similar to Rams' horns atop her head. Behind her, Wendy could see a tail poking out. "Ummm," Wendy began, "Do you have a name?"
"You don't have a name?"
"Nozo...mi...Nozomi is my name."
Wendy looked around the labyrinth, trying to decide what she should do. This girl could prove useful in getting around and finding the other guild members, but what if she turned on her? Nightmare had said something about there being "mistakes" in the labyrinth. Maybe Nozomi was one of them. "Nozomi, why are you in this labyrinth?"
Nozomi gave her a blank stare. "I am...not sure. I don't remember."
Wendy decided that she needed to find her guild mates as quickly as possible. It seemed a little pointless to ask Nozomi questions about herself, but perhaps she had seen he others.
"Have you seen anybody else here? Besides me and those...creatures?"
Nozomi nodded. "I saw...a woman with light blue hair..."
"Juvia? The rain woman?" Wendy asked excitedly.
Nozomi looked confused. ", she didn't feel like rain. Words fit this woman better."
"Levy!" Wendy guessed. "Can you take me to where you saw her?"
Nozomi nodded and started to walk off with Wendy following close behind.

"We've been going in circles!"
"We're in a labyrinth, idiot."
"It was you who led us down this hall, flame-brain!"
"Yeah? Well it was your girlfriend who got us trapped in this place, stripper!"
At that comment, Gray blushed a little and looked away. "Juvia is not my girlfriend." He muttered. Alongside him, Natsu snorted. "Yeah, right."
"Look, let's just find the others."
For a while, Gray and Natsu wandered about in the dim light of the labyrinth, arguing and searching for other guild members. As the turned a corner for seemingly the millionth time, their prayers were answered. In front of them stood three of their guild mates.
"Wendy!" Natsu yelled, "You're alive! Cana and Levy too!" He began to run towards them, but stopped midway. "Who's that behind you?" He asked.
"Oh!" Wendy turned to face the girl behind her. "This is Nozomi. Nozomi, those two are Gray and Natsu....are they the real ones?"
As she waited for a response, Natsu butted in. "What do you mean, 'the real ones'?! I'm right here, of course I'm real!"
"Remember what Nightmare said, Natsu?" Levy pointed out, "He said that we each have doubles in the labyrinth. Well, Nozomi can tell who is real and who is a double. Apparently it has something to do with the way their soul shines or something." Her eyes seemed to take on and excited glow, "I can't wait to learn more about it!"
Natsu gave her a blank stare. "You lost me."
Gray spoke up from behind Natsu. "The girl with ram horns can tell who's the double and who's not, flame-brained idiot."
As Natsu and Gray began fighting, Wendy turned back to Nozomi. "So, what do you think? Are they real or not?"
"They are real. Both of them shine very brightly."
Cana smiled. "Well, now we have five of us. Only three more to go. Let's do this thing! For Fairy Tail!" She yelled as she stuck her index finger in the air. Everybody else echoed her cheer. "For Fairy Tail!" As they pointed their index fingers to the sky as well. "Let's go find the others!"

Sorry for taking so long to update again! But, I've been busy with band and choir. Auditioning for honors choir and joining marching band take up a lot of time. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! "Fake" should have at least one more part. Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting. Please continue to do so!

Also, maybe check out some other things I've written?

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