" btw I'm liking the art on your neck, Who is the artist? " He whispered in my ears making sure his lips are touching my ears

He was talking about the bite he gave on my neck on the wedding night, whose marks are surprisingly still visible on my neck like a tattoo which more or less looks like a hickey and I was too shy to fight with him for this.

I was red like always, keeping my eyes down, I kept sitting there taking deep breath. His behaviour always make me blank like anything

" Anyways, Come lets cook dinner. You can blush later " I heard him say in a totally different tone like he's talking about some business deal

Moving my eyes to the side, I saw him already standing, I was too embarrassed to look or to say anything but I could feel him smirking while gazing at me


When he saw no movement from my side, he clutched my wrist, pulling me towards the kitchen.

" What should we make? " He asked shuffling through the fridge while I was just recollecting, trying to process whatever happened few minutes back

Once getting my consciousness back, I gritted my teeth " Manik Malhotra, don't try to act smart with me "

Hearing, he turned his head towards me, his face had this cocky smirk like he was waiting for this to happen " what did I do, Nan-dii-niii? "

Taking a step, he was again infront of me, trapping me in between the kitchen counter and himself

Shit! What is his problem?

" you know exactly what you did " I hissed at him

" Uhh actually no, please enlighten me. Are you talking about my mark on your neck, or how I increase your heartbeat or how you lose you capability to speak when I'm near you, or how you secretly wants me to do all the dirty stuffs with you " he asked teasing giving me his infamous smirk all this while

" Wh-what? In your dreams" I frowned my eyebrows looking away as his breathe was fanning my face evoking my stupid-est feelings

" Trust me, you wouldn't want to know what my dreams are about " he whispered touching my ears with his lips while gripping my waist from both his hands thus, pulling me closer in the process

And just in a blink of eye, he stood up straight and took out some utensils to cook acting like he wasn't doing anything a second ago

God, what a bipolar guy he is!

" Come out of your dreamland princess, We are going to make chicken biryani. Here peel the veggies" he ordered opening the fridge

I opened my mouth to shout but then close as couldn't thought what to say

A moment later, when he was busy taking out chicken and stuffs, I stated " I don't know how to cook "

" I know " he stated doing his work

" So you make the food if you know, I'm not interested in cooking " I uttered truthfully

" And who said I know cooking? " He asked turning towards me

" You don't? Then come on lets just order something. I mean how will we make biryani? " I whined as the whole idea of cooking is so tiring

" And that is why we are taking help of YouTube " he replied taking out his phone from pocket

" But Manik- " I whined which he interrupted

" Come on, I thought you love experimenting " he said or more like gave a kick to me

Perpetual InfatuationWhere stories live. Discover now